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     As Spider-Man narrowly avoided each vicious attack from Kraven the Hunter, he wondered how he kept getting himself into these situations. The plan seemed simple enough. Sneak into Oscorp Tower undetected. Then, secretly record the meeting between Norman Osborn and the group of business associates who want to invest in his company. Many of whom are on the FBI's most wanted list. This recording would be used as evidence to put Osborn away for his crimes. His ally, Agent , had her own doubts about the viability of this plan. Those doubts were now being confirmed.

"Kill him," Osborn fumed at Sergei Kravinoff.

However, every punch and kick that the powerful hunter threw at the masked vigilante was for nought as Spider-Man used his amazing agility to dodge each attack. Despite his incredible stamina, Kraven was beginning to get winded. Now, the wall crawler decided it was his turn to attack. Using his middle and ring fingers, he quickly double tapped the palm switch of his webbing wrist gauntlets. Webbing cables shot out of the high tech web shooters and adhered to Kraven's forearms. Despite his enhanced strength, he was unable to shake free of the webbing. Suddenly, a tug of war ensued between the two combatants. Spider-Man pulled on the cables as Kraven tried to resist. This test of strength ended when the wall crawler let go of the cables and the Russian hunter's momentum caused him to fall backwards and land flat on his back. By the time Kraven sat up straight, Spider-Man made an acrobatic somersault leap through the air and landed on his enemies head with a thunderous kick.

"Oh, I know that hurt." Spider-Man yelled as a cadre of Oscorp security guards watched. "I call that little maneuver the Spidey Special."

"You cannot do this," Kraven mumbled as he tried to recover. "I am Kraven the Hunter. I am fire and pride. I am the fiercest warrior the world has ever known."

"Listen, Tarzan." Spider-Man began as he prepared for another attack. "You may be the lord of the jungle, but you're in my city now and you're going to find out the same thing that all of those other clowns found out the hard way. Shocker, Sandman, Electro. I'm Spider-Man and you're a joke."

"I will kill you for that," Kraven roared.

"Go for it!" Spider-Man shouted.

This verbal assault enraged the hunter who regained his feet and angrily charged at the hero clad in red and blue. Kraven rushed at Spider-Man with ruthless aggression. Despite the speed of this assault, the amazing web slinger avoided the attack with a series of acrobatic backflips. One last reverse leap landed him on the side of one of the polished mosaic tile walls of this massive corridor. Spider-Man adhered to the wall using his uncanny ability to stick to any surface. He didn't remain there for long as he leapt back at his opponent with another furious kick. This time however, Kraven was expecting the attack. He grabbed Spider-Man by the leg and swung him head first into the unforgiving marble floor. This was the opening that the hunter had hoped for and used it to batter his foe with a series of punishing elbow smashes to the back of the head.

"Make him suffer," Norman gushed as the Oscorp Security guards continued to look on with great interest. The assortment of mercenaries stood at the ready as several of Osborn's business associates joined the gathering. "I want him to feel pain. I want him to be humiliated."

It was Spider-Man's turn to become angered. Osborn's words motivated the wall crawler to regain his feet and take a defensive posture. From behind the pair of one way polarized lenses on his mask, Peter Parker squinted and gritted his teeth angrily. The hunter smiled and once again charged at the teenage superhero who dodged a wild uppercut attempt. The fight continued, with each combatant landing vicious punches and kicks. Kraven staggered Spider-Man with a forearm smash to the jaw who fired back with a double axe handle to the back of the head.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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