11.2) am i too damaged? - Deku angst (bkdk)

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TW: mentions of r@pe and SA

Deku POV
I stare blankly at the white sheets below me as I drown out the rest of my surroundings. My teacher is talking to Recovery Girl while I sit in miserable silence alone. My body aches as I long for sleep. I overhear the two of them talking and decide to listen.

"Do we need to talk to him about it?" My teacher asks in a hushed voice. I freeze as I hear the words being muttered out.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Calling the police may be the next step and they will talk to him." My teacher continues pushing and I feel fear overtake my body. I can't talk about it, can I?

"I guess you have a point." Recovery girl finally says to my teacher. The curtain is then opened and they both realize I heard everything. Aizawa sighs as he sits down next to me.

"Problem child, do you recall anything about...what happened." He asks me gently as I feel a single tear drop leave my eye. I continue staring at the sheets as I remain silent.

"Is there anyone you would be willing to talk to about this?" He asks me as I sniffle slightly. I think about it for a moment before I decide.

"C-Can I...write it down?" I say quietly and my teacher simply nods as he hands me a pad and a pencil. I gulp as I stare down the white sheet of paper in front of me and my hand begins to shake as I move it to write. I feel more tears stream down my face as I stare at it.

I wrote down everything I remembered, which wasn't much. I sighed as I hesitantly handed it to my teacher before wrapping my arms around my knees and resting my head on them. I cried silently as hushed conversations continued behind the curtain, this time too quiet for me to hear.

After a solid hour of sitting by myself in tears, I hear the door open and I flinch and cover my head with my hands in a protective manner. I hear loud footsteps approach the bed along with what sounds like Aizawa.

"Hello there, I am detective Dai and I'm here to speak with you about your case." I looked up from my hidden position to see a large man standing in front of me. He is very initiating if I'm being honest and I feel scared. I gulp rather loudly as he sits down next to me with a recorder.

"I have your written statement but I would like you to explain more for an audio testament." He explains as I try to contain my worries and fear.

After going through the event over and over again I feel him start to doubt me as I hide my face and silently cry. He coughs awkwardly before escorted out of the room by my teacher using some colorful words.

"What a dick." I hear him mumble under his breath as recovery girl stays silent. I try to take deep breaths as I feel a panic attack coming on again. Having to talk about it makes me feel like I'm reliving it over and over again. It was painful enough the first time without having to explain it repeatedly with someone who doesn't even believe me. This is hopeless.

I finally calm down as my teacher sits next to me with a worried look. I avoid his gaze and hide my tear stained face. I feel helpless in this situation, like there's nothing I can do.

"Are you okay problem child?" My teacher asks softly.

"Mhm." I hesitantly answer, not wanting to worry him anymore. He has enough on his plate at the moment.

I just want this all to be over

(Time skip: one week later)
Deku POV
I stand in front of my door for the first time in a week after finally being dismissed from Recovery Girl. I take a deep breath as I open the door. My room looks exactly the same as I left it that fateful morning. I sigh as I lay down in bed and try to sleep. My head pounds as I feel my nerves start to increase. My hands shake ever so slightly as I lay empty in the bed.

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