Chapter 25) Unsettled 2

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Published on :- 6/April/ [Saturday]

Looking outside at the street of the capital city, the scene was serene as Sunaina nestled into the embrace of her angel. Her movement was as graceful and content as a cat curling up in a warm spot.

With each gentle touch and whispered word, she found solace and comfort and she was melting into the safety of Nilay's arms.

It invoked a serene image of intimacy and warmth.

As Sunaina nestled closer, she could feel the gentle rhythm of their breaths intertwining and creating a soothing melody in the quiet embrace.

The soft touch of his arms wrapped protectively around her offered a sense of security, like a protective shield against the world outside.

With each moment, the sense of protection deepened between them and formed an unbreakable connection that transcended words.

In the warmth of his embrace, time seemed to stand still and enveloped her in a sanctuary of love and comfort.

At this moment, Nilay's phone pinged and highlighted a text message from Shlok.

Nilay clicked the message and read it: 'Divita is Back and wants to meet you'.

Nilay's breath caught in his throat as he read Shlok's message. The mention of Divita's return sent a wave of conflicting emotions flooding his senses.

The bitter and sweet memories flooded his mind and stirred up a storm of unresolved feelings.

With a heavy heart, he glanced downward as he was unable to escape the turmoil that surged within him.

The past, once buried was threatened to resurface now and cast a shadow over the fragile peace he had worked so hard to find.

Devil's eyes scanned the message as
She listened intently to Dino's briefing.

"Princess! Work done. Miss Divita will not get a chance to think or come close to Sir Nilay. What's your next command?".

A sexy and alluring smile danced on her lips but her mind couldn't help but wander to the implications of Divita's return and what it might mean for Nilay.

Dino waited for Sunaina's response. She could not talk to Dino in front of Nilay who was in a daze.

So, she took hiccups and wiped her fake tears which were hanging at the corner of her eyelashes.

Dino caught the hidden meaning behind her hiccups.

"Alright. I understood", Dino said and the call disconnected.

The earpiece was still hiding in her ears behind the curtains of her hair.

On the other side, Nilay's attention shifted towards Sunaina's hiccups and the faint traces of tears, a pang of concern tugged at his heart.

Sensing her distress, Nilay reached out a hand to comfort her, and his thoughts of Divita were momentarily pushed aside by his concern for Sunaina's well-being.

"We are going home. Then we will return to Shimla", Nilay said softly and Sunaina's facade faltered for a moment as she gratefully accepted his gesture of support, silently communicating her gratitude for his understanding.

In that brief exchange, a silent understanding passed between them and a bond strengthened by shared experiences and unspoken words.

Sunaina looked at Nilay and asked in a low voice, "Are you okay? Is something troubling you?".

Caught off guard by Sunaina's inquiry, Nilay hesitated for a moment but his gaze softened as he met Sunaina's concerned eyes. He appreciated her genuine care and concern and he quickly composed himself.

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