Chapter 5

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Sorry for not making some chapters for a while, I lost motivation for a few days, but I'm back.! But school is also back so.. 😣
"Last time, on the ridoncolous race. Teams traveled to Paris, where their wills were tested. Their artistic limits were pushed their bravery was challenged. And Owen ate more cheese, than scientifically possible. In the end, it was the police cadets who locked up first place. But for tennis rivals, Gerry and Pete. It was game set, somebody light a match cause man! Did they stink. Cool stinking up today oh they've all got potential. Stay tuned cause it's time for... the ridoncolous race."

                  Insert epic intro!! 😁
"Yesterday's chill zone was the louvre, which is todays starting point, teams will start in the order they finished. Which means the cadets are– WOAH woah woah! Yesterdays go first ice capades."

"Yeah, relax silver streak."

"WAIT your turn!"

The cadets complained to them, mocking them a bit. Before the ice dancers glared at them.
Police cadets/sander and mcarthur

"I've got my eye on those ice dancers, give them an inch and they'll take the whole race."
"Take the train to kalankua (idk what she said help) on the Mediterranean coast, and search the station for your next travel tip." Sander read to her partner, before smiling.

"Come on!" Sanders ran. As McArthur Followed after her.

"Teams must take the train to south kalankua, kalankua skirts the Mediterranean on the south of France with sand, so fine, you want it to get in your shorts. The red cliffs are just one of the many sites that make this a popular tourist spot, did I mention that the beaches are awesome? Because they are." Don smirked, looking smug before a crab grabbed his swimsuit and slapped it onto his behind. Before he let out a scream of pain.

Your sibling pressed the button before a mime stole it. "Hey! Give me that back you little–" they started chasing after it, before you started watching them fail miserably on getting the tip back. Before a kid came up to you.

"Hey.." he said in a high pitched voice, before you looked at him, he cleared his throat. Making his voice sound deeper

"Hey.. I'm uh.. Dwayne." He smiled towards you.

"Hi, I'm y/n." You tried to act nice, smiling and extending out your hand, trying to shake his. he stared at it for a few seconds, before  his father came and shook your hand.

"Hey, nice to meet ya. Dwayne senior, I've seen you already met Junior. This kid.." he pointed towards the kid you were talking to, as he chuckled.  "What a great little guy."

You saw Junior mutter something to his dad, but you couldn't really sound it out. Before you smiled at Dwayne senior.

"I mean he acts up sometimes, but that happens as they hit puberty."

You almost laughed, before your sibling interrupted you from bursting out laughing. "Y/n I got the tip!" They said, a bit of sweat on their face.

"Alright, nice to meet you! And good luck." You smiled at both of them before running to where your sibling was heading.

[i was giggling so much while writing this, I thought I'll replace you guys with Carrie in this scene heheh]
Son and father/junior and Dwayne

"My dad always finds a way to embarrass me.

"Come on..that's not true son.. eh.. you're just being self-conscious. Oh! Before I forget, I washed your lucky undie."

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