Getting Out

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Amelia's POV

After living this long in the stupid crazy house, you learn a thing or two, one of those things, is never take the fucking pills, they make you see shit you don't want to see. And trust me, I've seen some scary shit while on these pills, shit you wouldn't even be able to stomach. I have no idea why they make you take these pills, it makes you even crazier then you already were. So why?

But of course the guard always stays until he sees you take them. Then he leaves, but I came up with something, I'm pretty sure I'm not the first person that came up with this. But I hide the pills under my tongue, and they never seem to check there, stupid dumbasses, so when he leaves, I lift up my bed and place the pills under it, so they don't find them and force me to take them. Like I said, you learn a thing or two here. I watched as the guard left, waited a few seconds until I couldn't hear the sound of his footsteps. I smirked when I knew he was gone, time to get into action. It's about time I left this shit hole, I wasn't gonna let anyone take advantage of me anymore. Not without my permission. And it's time I try to bust out of this shit hole. While I still can. So I got off my uncomfortable bed, which was really fucking uncomfortable, which is probably the reason for my back hurting all the time. I get it, we're prisoners, but can't we have at least a good bed to sleep on at night, is that so hard to ask for?

I guess it is.

Because I've been sleeping on the same day bed for seven years.

I turned to look at the window, yes, they were stupid enough to give me a room with a window. Of course it had bars on it, what crazy nut house doesn't have a window with bars? Exactly. But the one thing they've forgotten, is that without my meds, I can use my powers. I can bend the bars as easy as breaking a stick in half. It took me awhile to be able to do this, I know I could have done it earlier, but like I said before, we get time to go outside, get fresh air and exercise, well, all that time outside, I came up with a plan, I started digging into the dirt right below the gate where the woods were. I had just dug enough that I would be able to fit underneath it and not get stuck or poked by the wires. So yes, go me, it's time to start this escape plan. Let's do this bitches!

I concentrated on the bars as best as I could, it would a long time for me to figure out how to use my powers, but once I did, I was a master at using them. I could throw a person across the room, or off a cliff, or bend bars that could get me out of here. I watched as the bare slowly started to bend and watched as it broke off the window sill. I threw the bars onto the floor, and maybe I shouldn't have done that, with the sound it made as soon as it hit the concrete floor. I clenched my eyes closed for a split second. Regretting my actions. "Fuck", I muttered under my breath. That gives me less time to escape. Great going Amelia, great going. I didn't hesitate to crawl up to the edge of the window, I wasn't about to wait and see if the dumbass guard heard me, I knew exactly what they were going to do to me if they found out about this. I shivered at the thought. No thank you. I let out a heaved breath of air as I tried getting out of the window, it's a lot harder for people my size and height. I was short and tiny, and it may seem like it's a advantage, but it's not. If I was tall enough, I would have been able to jump right out of the window, but if I tried jumping out, I'd probably hit face first into the damn wall. Again, no thank you. I slid my way through as fast as I could, my whole body was shaking from the adrenaline, and maybe even a little bit of fear. But as I was about to jump out of the window, my foot was grabbed from the inside, shit! Of course his fat ass would catch me climbing out of the damn window! Just my luck. "Not this time White", I could hear the sneer in his voice, I could feel my own lip lift up in a sneer, oh hell nah, motherfucker! Not this time! I won't let you hurt me this time! I could feel him trying to pull me back inside, but I wasn't about to let him ruin my plan to escape, it took me weeks to plan this. And I wasn't about to let it go to waste. So yes! This time motherfucker! It's my time!

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