Meeting Them

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(This chapter is going to be a little longer then the original chapter was, but it has to do with a lot more feelings and more soulmates, I hope you guys like it. Thank you).

Third person POV

After some consideration, Billy chose that it would be him that approached her, seeing as he would be the less one to scare her. Seeing as he looked the most human, except for Stu that is, but Stu also agreed that it would have to be him to approach her, Stu wasn't exactly one to be serious in a situation like this. Billy, who still had his knife in hand, walked closer to her, but slowly, so he wouldn't scare her away. Even though it looked as if she couldn't get up anyways, to be honest she really did look like shit. She looked like she hasn't eaten in days, her skin was black and blue, there was blood caked on her face and hands, he didn't know if it all belonged to her or the guard. He gripped his knife in hand, just in case she actually did try and do something to defend herself. he wouldn't blame her if she did try and defend herself, after what happened with that guard.

He slowly bent down to the ground, hand slowly reaching out to grab the discarded white pants, he didn't know how or why she was pantless, but he knew it wasn't her choice in the matter, her legs and feet were covered in bruises, dirt and blood. Damn, this girl has definitely been through some shit. It's a miracle that she was able to run without the possibility of falling, she shouldn't have been able to run so far, but he honestly didn't even know where she came from. Where did she come from? Why? Well, the guard kinda explains why, well it kinda did. It told him that she was on the run, she must have escaped, but from the looks of it, it was a good thing that she did, with the way she looked, she didn't have many days left. She was too skinny, her skin was too pale, even her hands and fingers were bony like a skeleton. He honestly felt bad for the girl. It kinda surprised him that he felt genuine sympathy for her. He didn't even know who she was and he felt bad for her. He got up slowly, and made his way over to her, maybe if he helped her, she would tell him who she was and where she came from. But he didn't see the branch laying on the ground until he heard the sound of it snapping under his shoe. He grimaced, he would have to be stupid to think she didn't hear that.

Billy watched as the girl's head turned towards him and the sound that the branch made. He could see her face more clearly, he almost gasped at the sight, she was beautiful, despite the blood, and the sunken in eyes and cheeks, she was beautiful to him. Her brown almost black hair, and her eyes, were like a sea blue, they were beautiful. She was beautiful. But then once their eyes met each other, he saw her get scared and reach for the stick the was laying right beside her. He could see her hands shaking, she was scared, and probably felt so weak after finishing off that guard. For some reason, he didn't want to hurt her, to him, she's been through enough hell already. So he didn't care if he saw her point the sharp stick at him. "Get back, get back. I won't hesitate to hurt you", her voice was soft and mumbled, but he was able to hear her just fine. He stepped back a few steps, his eyes never leaving hers, he wanted her to know he wouldn't hurt her. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you", he was soft and gentle with his words, any louder he was afraid that he would spook her like a scared deer. But he knew saying that was just stupid, when her eyes went straight to the knife in his hand. 'Dumbass' he thought to himself. He hesitated, but he dropped the knife, he heard it make contact with the ground, it was a soft 'thud' sound, laying flat on the grass.

Billy was honestly waiting for her to grab it as soon as it dropped to the ground, but he only scrunched his eyebrows when he saw that she didn't, so maybe she was just scared that he would hurt her. She sat there still as a statue, but he could see that she was still shaking, he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or from being scared. Or maybe it was both. "Please, please don't take me back, I'll do anything you want me to, just don't take me back", Amelia knew it was stupid to tell a complete stranger that she would do anything he wanted, just so he wouldn't take her back to that hell hole. She could hear it in her own voice, she was scared and she was begging, she hasn't begged anyone in a long time, because she knew begging was useless. Those people, they showed her no mercy with what they've done to her. She watched as he bent to his knees a few feet in front of her, just not close enough to where she got scared again. "To where, sweetheart?", he didn't want to scare her more then she already was, so he didn't try to make physical contact with her, she might not like human contact after what she's been through, he might not know what she's been through, but he knows she's been through hell. Billy watched as she hesitated and gulped harshly, her hands pulling down her shirt so he wouldn't be able to see the lower half that was showing a lot of skin. But he wasn't paying attention to that, he was more focused on what she had to say. Where did she come from?

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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