1. Cherry

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     She was magnificent. I always liked how our paths crossed. I was on my way home, travelling at night was always a delight to me. She sat one seat away. Not too close and not too far away, still. She had seen me when she was boarding the public service vehicle. A man sat between her and myself. This man was old, perhaps 40 – 45 years or so. His face was stiff and rigid. He was probably going through mid-life crisis. My eye was fixed on this lady next to him. I couldn't help but notice her hair. It was long and dark as coal. I remember enjoying her nonchalant behavior. But I wouldn't allow her to notice my admiration because then, she'd have the upper hand. I would never let her take control of me, so I thought.

     Sitting by the window, I would stare at the dark and the lights. I used to have this phobia of travel. Afraid of meeting my death on the road. You know, road accidents have been taking over the headlines these days. I remember listening to calm music during these travels, to keep my mind away from the journey. I would always find joy in the feeling of arrival. The journey would take care of itself. After a long drive, the man next to me – barrier between me and her – arrived at his destination and it was his time to alight. A smile curved on my face, I don't know why... do you? I stretched in order to occupy as much space as possible, so I'd be close enough. This, she noticed. She stretched too, but I never really determined if she did so to get close too or she just wanted to get comfortable. I overthink too much.

     I have never been too good at this. Just to start a conversation, I'd have to gather enough courage and this would take too much time. I had lost so many chances before just because I felt the courage was insufficient. This time I was perplexed because I did not know how much time I had to make my move. Surprisingly, I peeped a sense of interest in her. She was looking at me. I could have sworn she had looked at me for second. I utilized this gesture to the fullest. This was definitely my time to make my move. So, I seized the moment and whispered,

"hey there... how are you"

"hey, I'm good... you?" she spoke.

Lost in a fantasy, I snapped to her eye contact. Then I realized I had not responded. "Oh, I'm fine. Sorry it's just that..."

"No, it's totally fine. My name is Cherry" she said.

     I was almost lost in time again. Her name too? Who was this perfect lady? I responded, "nice to meet you Cherry, my name is Jeffrey" She turned to me with plain eyes. As though she didn't like my name. I remember thinking I should probably have lied about my name. Perhaps find a name that drives these ladies crazy. But it's not the name that does, right?

"Jeffrey is also the name of my ex... that bastard!"

"Oh, I'm sorry if my name resurfaces some negative vibes" I commented.

"No, don't apologize. You are nothing like him. You seem kind and sweet" she replied. I couldn't help but smile. This build up my courage and comfort in this conversation. I knew I was one-foot in. This was the perfect time to make my amusements known. So, I went on with it, "your name is enticing by the way" I said. I had craved to see a smile on her face and this wish, she surely granted. It was even better than I had imagined it.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, with her smile not faded yet, she replied

"Don't flatter me already, Cherry is a common name"

"Yes, but you are not a common one"

"Poor Jeffrey, you won't stop will you... anyway, thank you"

     She was not far from where I stayed. So, we were definitely alighting at the same stop. She had started to feel comfortable with me too. I liked this. She was still a student. She was studying a course in nursing – I'd fake an illness. Cherry had this personality that I was always afraid of. A woman with walls built really high. Not the kind of woman to let anyone in easily. You had to earn her trust. I guess I had earned it in just a little while of conversation and therefore we bonded – sort of. In those few hours of conversation, she had shared more than I had. She had started to get attached. This is because the picture she created in her mind of me, made her feel secure. I delighted in this realization.

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