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Medkit x Slingshot

eat up this rarepair


Slingshot had just finished participating in his 30th phighting match today. He was sore all over: not only did his legs feel like they were going to fall off, his torso felt like it had been cut open, that because Hyperlaser got him three times with his phinisher, and he had a massive headache. Who would he go to.?... Hm.....


Slingshot dragged his awfully tired self to the metro, and took the next metro that was heading to the Lost Temple. It took a good 30 minutes, but he got off, only to be greeted by a whole bucket of sand flying in his face.

He growled, grumpily, as he wiped the sand off of him.

The next few minutes of walking to Medkit's home was just hell gone loose. He had gotten chased by three dogs, Broker scared the ever living shit out of him, and he almost got ran over by a car.

Huffing, he finally arrived at his destination. He sheepishly knocked on the door, before realizing the dogs had followed him and were trying to bite his tail, which was all puffed up.

Slingshot screeched as he defended himself with one hand and desperately knocked on the door with the other.

"Wh-" Medkit was taken by surprise when Slingshot slipped in through the thin crack, as he had barely opened the door wide enough. "Jee.. Are you alright?" Medkit locked his door.

Slingshot sighed and just took his shoes off then sat on the couch.

"I won't ask why you're here. Just tell me why you risked your tail getting bitten off just to come here." Medkit sat next to him.

"I'm all soreee. Too much phighting for one day. And I wanted to know if you could help at all." Slingshot whined. "And I did kind of miss my grumpy doctor friend." Sling rotated a bit, and layed down in a way that his head was in Medkit's lap, and his legs were on the poofy edge of the couch

"You still call me a friend though we've been dating for a year now. What do you think I understand from that?" Medkit pat Slingshot on the head.

Sling purred. "Don't get me wrong, I do love you, but old habits die hard."

The two talked for a while. "So, tell me again, where does it hurt?" Medkit looked through his medical supplies.

"Eeeverywhere." Slingshot groaned. "But mostly my torso. Especially my back."

Medkit took out one of his crystals, and used it to heal away some of Slingshot's pain. "You're only getting this treatment once, kitty." He picked Slingshot up, bridal style, and placed him onto his bed.

Next thing you know, Slingshot was getting what he considered to be the best massage one could ever recieve. He was purring loudly, and making the 'cat making biscuits' motion with his hands.

"You really are sore. All your muscles are tense. Poor you." Medkit sighed. His tone was a soft, gentle one.

"Yeah but- *purr* your massages are- *purr* the beeeeeesst" Slingshot said.

Later, the two were cuddling, Slingshot nuzzling Medkit. It was like Med had his own cat now. He pat Slingshot as if he was a cat.

Peaceful eepy :D

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