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Waking up in the Hermes cabin is never pleasant with there being multiple children around. It's better in winter when there are less kids but still, not quiet enough to sleep in. Luke gets up first and soon the others follow. Ariella not so much the undecided girl is still curled up under her blanket sleeping.

Most of the kids had already left to get early breakfast. Luke looks towards Zoey walking up to the girl " wake up Ariella for breakfast and make sure she actually eats I swear that girl is always skipping meals " .

" she eats but skips meals to go draw in the woods don't worry Luke " The blonde girls tells the boy then walks away to wake up the raven haired girl. The son on Hermes leaves the cabin going to get breakfast.

Zoey rubs Ariella's shoulder trying to wake the girl not knowing she's all ready awake. The girl pushes Zoey's hands off her " I'm up I just don't wanna get up " she tells the blonde girl. Zoey scoffs " get up before Luke blames me for you missing meals " she demands then gets up and stands by the door.

The unclaimed girl gets up throwing her hair into a loose bun knowing it will look good regardless. She runs into the bathroom quickly washing her face with water and brushing her teeth. Ariella has naturally clear skin that would make most girls jealous of her. She doesn't try to hard to look good which you can tell it's all natural which makes her more beautiful in the eyes of others.

Zoey believes that Ariella is the daughter of Aphrodite but she is still unclaimed so they will have to wait and see.

Ariella walks out the bathroom grabbing her slippers and walking out of cabin 11 hand in hand with Zoey. Those two girls became fast friends. They both grab a tray of food and sit down with the rest of the cabin.

The morning at camp half blood look a lot this, kids usually in there pajamas not ready for the day all tired still trying to wake themselves up. After breakfast the young demi gods have around an hour to go back to their cabin and get ready for the day before activities. Winter in camp is more calm and relaxed compared to summer when the camp is filled with kids. All year round campers are demi gods who don't want to go home or can't.

Sitting down Ariella just plays around with her food, the girl never got hungry in the mornings and if she ate a lot she would get nauseous. Luke watches the girl seeing her not eating he sighs " why aren't you eating " Ariella looks up at him " I don't eat in the mornings it makes me nauseous " she tells the boy. He nods thinking now that makes more sense Zoey looks at the boy " told you so " she tells her brother.

The group sits and eats just talking and laughing. Ariella laughs along with everyone not talking much because she would so much rather go back to bed.

At the Ares table Clarisse looks over watching the raven haired girl. After a minute Matt shoves his sister " clarisse who are you staring at " he asks the girl and the whole table bursts out laughing. The favorited daughter of Ares shoves Matt back hated and he almost falls of his seat " shut up for once Matt " she tells the boy. He squints his eyes at the girl but dosnt say anything he noticed his sisters little crush but he didn't comment on it.

The Ares children were close but not close to the point where they knew everything about each other. They didn't show emotions much and mostly covering it up. Children of Ares are all tall and strong they all had some anger issues and didn't listen well when it came from other people.

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