1. Waking Up

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You don't know what happen. One sec you checking your phone and start crossing to the other side of the road and then white truck just hit you.

Should never check your phone while crossing and now you are on the ground, with blood all over your body. Must've been really quite an impact from the truck.

Your last word were,"I was just checking Doug wallpaper because he is goates titam from my favourite monster movie....".

Darkness engulf you before then you see light at the end of the tunnel.

Before you know it, you have open your eyes to the unknown world. The sound of unknowm avian creature can be heard from afar. You yawn before you tried to wake up beofre you fall on your back.

You : What the hell happen?! Why did I feel heavy?!

You look at your hands to see that it's not human skin anymore. It's reptilian scale with sharp nail which earn shock from yourself.

You : Wha?! What the hell?! Why am I like this!!

You can only do human speech from your mind. Only growl and skreech comes out from your mouth as you back on your well, belly because you are now not human.

You see a puddle as you crawl toward it and see for yourself what you really are as you eyes widen

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You see a puddle as you crawl toward it and see for yourself what you really are as you eyes widen.

You : I'm a Doug!?

Doug, a titan from Monsterverse. A fictional story about monster known as Godzilla, an iconic dai-kaiju fr Japan that has earn millions of fan worldwide. You just saw The New Empire movie where Doug has little screen time but that is enough for you because Doug are one of your favourite.

Now, why did you turn into Doug? Was it somekind of joke from higher being? Well let's just not focus on that.

You feel kinda terrified and also exited as you become Doug, a lizard titan that closely related to Godzilla. Then your stomach start to rumble.

You need a food and somehow you are in hollow earth and there is lot of food around if your orey is smaller or same size as you.

You start to look around to find food or maybe dead titan around since Doug are scavenger at first. You wonder if you can evolve more by eating dead larger titan and even absorbe their radiation remnant in their body. Well time do tell.....

[Modern Day , 2014]

Dr Ishiro Serizawa examine the site that he and his team of Monarch has discovered.

"What can you make of all this, Doctor?", ask Viviene.

Viviene Graham, whom Dr Ishiro Serizawa has taken under his wing while he were having talk about his worm with Monarch at Oxford.

"It's similar to him....", said Dr Serizawa. "Closely related I assume?", ask Viviene. "Yes, closely related but this is first time I have encounter such creature who have similar or even related to him", said Dr Serizawa.

Hot wind brushes them as they continue their excavate of their finding as the camera pans up that the two are in gigantic footprint of the unknown creature....

[Back To You]

You were lucky. You have found carcass of large rhino like titan. In human nose, this would be really nasty to smell but since you were Doug, a creature of scavenger and you desire to evolve, the smell kf that carcass is like the smell kf grilled chicken.

You hesitant to eat first cuz this carcass has been here for maybe 1-2 weeks. But your stomach rumbles mkre nad more as your animalistic instinct start to drove you to eat the carcass.

Surprisingly, Doug's taste bud made this carcass really taste like how human eat their seasoned food. So without further delay, you munch the carcass as muxh as you need to because in this Hollow Earth....you have to be aware of your surrounding.

This carcass is here for a reason. Currently, you are lower of the food chain in term of your size. You maybe top predator to some creatures but there is bigger and meaner creatures out there that can kill you.

The meat from that carcass has satisfied your hunger. It's time to search for a shelter and you better hurry.....

Storm is coming by......

-Chapter 1 End-

A/N : I saw Godzilla if he were quadruped and like, "If Doug hit a gym and have glow up".

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