4. Colossal Confrontation

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[Modern Day]

Ford day is getting worst and worst. He thought him being in Hawaii, he would just left all that pain back in Japan but no. The monster follows him in Hawaii and almost killed him amd everyone in the LRT.

It was then he realize that the temporary shut down of electric is from the monster.

In the US battleship en route to Hawaii, Dr Serizawa is going to see 'him'. The titan that he himself observe all his life. As he gies outside, he see large dorsal spike jolting out of the ocean water, going toward them but not before the creature dives down to make sure it did not destroy the battleship where Dr Serizawa are.

The creature swim up after it swim pass the battleship and about to stand up....

[Hollow Earth]

How long has it been? You never really count day. Sure, you ar enow not human in term of physical and yet your conscious are inside once cute and goofy hollow earth lizard which been dubbed Doug.

--- Before ---

--- The Evolved Phase 1 ---

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--- The Evolved Phase 1 ---

Now you are not goofy no more

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Now you are not goofy no more. You have made Doug an efficient hunter that hunt prey that suitable for the body. The last time you have sense a surge amount of radiation and you obviously goes toward the radiation surge.

You can't remember where exactly the place is since it's been like forever and indeed, you have absorb huge amount of radiation in that area before you walk away when you start to feel thatbyour body has contained enough radiation to evolve further.

Doug's body is now built to run faster and wrestle a prey that strong enought to get away from Doug's grip. He is still over 200 feet but he still growing. It's just that you have made Doug evolve faster than him growing up in size.

[Modern Day]

Destruction. The only words that he can describe the state of Hawaii. Another monster has arrive and this one is a colossal lizard who fought the one that rose up from Janjira Power Plant.

It's a short fight before the one from Janjira startbto fly away and theblizard follow it after.

Ford join the army who basically his free ticket back to the states in return to help them fught monster. To think the army are now monster hunter....

Dr Ishiro Serizawa has been escort back to the US battleship. The world has witness what they have been hiding from the public. The rise of the titans.

They projected that the two monster will be arrive to San Franscisco which has been speculated that the ome from Janjira is not communjcating with the lizard one. He suspected that there is another one, a female....

---- Las Vegas, Few Hours Later ----

Everything are left in ruin after third monster comes out from Nevada. This one is bigger than the one from Janjira and somehow she is enroute to the male at San Franscisco.

[Hollow Earth]

You have eaten another flying titan as you catch it by surprise. While eating you thought of what could happen if godzilla grow pair of wings.

Is it possible? Maybe but how? How could Hollow Earth Lizard such as Dough who might have been related to Godzilla, evolved having pair of wings?

Just eating won't do much....maybe eat more flying titan, that should do the work...well, that is what you theorize that is....

Because that's not what evolution work for but who knows....maybe you can be one....in near future but now you need to feed.

Few weeks ago, the apes are gathering. Something must've been going on....

Maybe a war.....

-Chapter 4 End-

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