2. Evolved Phase 1

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You never really know how much time has passed in this Hollow Earth. With so many carcass you found, you beginning to feel like your body has beginning to change.

With so many carcass of dead titans be it herbivour or carnivour....those carcass contain radiation in their meat because how these titans consume radiation as their food source.

You are now can run faster on your four legs and even stand up on two if you feel threaten.

Now you have your own shelter and basically you have also territory of your own to take care of

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Now you have your own shelter and basically you have also territory of your own to take care of. Your changes from Doug into his concept art counterpart.

A roar that you can hear. A challenge as you open your deep blue eyes and come out from your shelter and roared back.

[Modern Day]

"Have you find anything on our new friend, Ms Viviene?", ask Dr Serizawa. "With all that we'd gather, this titan walks on four legs. Judging by the size of the footprint. He is marginally bigger than bis close relative if he stand up on two legs", saif Viviene.

"Interesting...", said Dr Serizawa. "I receive a call from Phillipine....It must be him that the local found a bone. We don't know just yet...we are going there.....", said Dr Serizawa

[Hollow Earth]

Another carcass for today. Seems like there is quite territorial battle today and for you it's free buffet. These carvass has marginal amount of radiation in their flesht that you can eat it all.

Then, you look behind. Another carnivorous titan. This one look like a dinosaur but it's also feel like all dinosaur were copy pasted from this one.

It want what you have and you are greedy. You don't want to share. This will be a fight to ensure you keep this carcass.

You stand up on two like how the bear are as you let out a roar.

The other carnivorous titan let out the roar, never backing down before you and other titan lunge each other. You clearly much bigger than him and you  destroyed him in a matter of minute, putting him on your menunas you let out a victory roar.

You added another meat to ensure your evolution needed.

[Modern Day]

Dr Serizawa and Viviene has checked the fossile of the titan in Phillipine. 'It's not him", said Dr Serizawa. "How can you be so sure?", ask Viviene. "This one is alot bigger than Gojira but not our mysterious friend. Compare to this one, our "friend" is much more larger", said Dr Serizawa.

"If this is not him, then what is it?", ask Viviene. "The same species like Gojira....let's call this one Dagon", said Dr Serizawa.

--- Somewhere in Volcanic Area ---

A deep burning slit eyes open up. How many years has past? The titan comes out from it's lava shelter as it loud growl shook the very ground that it step on.

It let out enormous roar to the sky. Was it a call for challenge? Or was it call to awaken something more?

-End of Chapter 2-

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