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In a big school, Theia Margaux moved from a private to a public school. But she always felt lost among new faces, because of her background from her private school. She didn't fit in any circle in their class, well she didn’t want to fit in either. One day, while walking at the corridor, she notice someone is crying at the corner.

She immediately come over and she saw that a group of bullies taking advantage of their classmate. She stood up for the bullied student, “Step away, Weirdo” Ruine said to me, the leader of those bullies. I just stoop up for the bullied student for her to ran. “You ruined the moment, Theia” Alastair said to me and he tapped my shoulder but I grap his hand, “Don’t you ever lay a hand on me, Dirt” I said and let go of his hand. “Theia, don’t be a hero here because you will never be. I always make an eye on you, you can’t even sleep well, let’s go!” Ruine said.

From the day Theia encountered those bullies things got worse each day. She was almost hurt badly once, One night when she walked home the bullies who had been bothering her followed closely behind. She hurried along, trying to get away, but she didn't see the open manhole in her path.

She tripped and fell hard, hurting her ankle. Looking up, she saw the bullies coming closer, their mean laughter getting louder. “Even a hero also needs her hero, good bye Theia. We will just say hi to you when you climb up at the heaven” Hermony said and they all laughed again.

Suddenly, a stranger appeared she didn’t recognize who is it. He stood between her and the bullies, giving her time to get up and run.

Thankful for his help, the girl took his hand, and they ran away from the bullies together. As they walked, she felt grateful for the stranger who had come to her rescue when she needed it most.

One sunny morning in their school, she felt relief for what happened last night. Even she believe that don’t trust someone you don’t even knew, but she didn’t refuse the offer of the stranger to bring her to the house of the stranger named Dwayne Montello.

She sleep there at peace, and today the stranger brought her to school. He’s also a student in her school, They even often go to the beach to have a vacation, “I can and will always bring you her to ease your traumas and those bad things” Dwayne said.

And because of Dwayne her life begins again, with a smile and a better life for her. She found her savior, a hero. Dwayne introduce Ryne to her, Ryne is one of the bullies that’s why she became anxious that time. “Don’t worry, Theia.

She’s not one of the bully you knew, She’s my friend” Dwayne said and give me an assuring smile. I slowly made Ryne my friend even my system didn’t even want to be friend with her.

When the day of their graduation came they grew close and helped each other through tough times. While Ryne go to abroad to take there her bachelors degree, and I’m happy for her that she really changed herself for the better.

For almost years for knowing each other they decided to get married. And year after they got their only son, while her husband carrying their son he told everything to her wife that he always want to help her back then, he just got scared of the bullies.

For almost 13 years of living in the same roof they live happily and with their son, Jeiro. Theia is cleaning their room while cleaning she accidentally found some old pictures of her husbands with the bullies who treated her wrong and bad before, she got confused by the picture and a letter suddenly fell from the picture she holds.

A letter that her husband made for Ruine, leader of that bullies she hated the most. She read it and a tear fall from her eyes. It containes that it also part of the letter or plan they made for me that Ryne will be in abroad but she is hiding for the crime she commit for Dwayne. Dwayne planned it all, for me to be tied in him. For me, to be trapped in his arms.

Her thoughts runs throughout the minute she read the letter. “Dwayne, killed someone I didn’t knew at the start just because of his jealousy?”  She wipes her tears, she still can’t believe anything, everything about who is her husband? Why can he do those things? She got married with him because she knew that she is safe with the arms of her husband.

A hero that she knew, he’s the one who believe in her, the one who protected her at any cause. A loving father and a husband, a perfect figure in this house. While thinking she suddenly saw a hidden camera at the side of their tv, infront of their bed. Without hesitation of the situation she had, even in the bathroom she also found a hidden camera at the top of the mirror, realizing that while her taking a shower someone can watch her with that. A killer-obssesed-husband she had for a long time in the same roof.

She didn’t hesitate to fix her things and called her son to not go straight to their house. She immediately go straight to the back door, thinking that her husband will not notice him. But, when he open the door she saw her husband wearing his smile, “Hi, love. You are married to me...” he holds her hand and slowly stepping forward for her to step back, “You can’t escape from me, everything is planned from the very start. You didn’t even notice it? I am still your hero? well, I’m the real villain here.”

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