4. NYE

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TW: death, drinking & driving


"I'll be there in two minutes." Only two more minutes of anxiety. Only two more minutes until I step into the world of magic. I took another look in the mirror as I let out a deep sigh. I looked good. I was wearing a long, deep blue strapless dress. It wasn't tight, but it still showed my figure. My black heels popped out from underneath. I had straightened my hair and it fell over my shoulders. I had only put on eyeliner and mascara and of course lip gloss. A simple outfit really, but it did the trick, I guess.

I was nervous to meet Blaise's friends again. They didn't leave a good impression on me the last time I saw them. Although I get along really well with Blaise, I doubt I'll get along with all of his friends. The thing that made me really nervous was meeting other wizards and witches that followed a dark wizard while I can't even name one spell. What if they recognize me and decide to ask questions about myself or my biological parents? They might except me to follow into their footsteps.

The door bell ringing pulls me out of my own thoughts. I went downstairs to open the door. Blaise is standing there in a full black suit, looking ridiculously handsome. "Hi, come in for a second. I still have to grab my purse and say bye." He stepped inside, looking at me from head to toe. He was shamelessly checking me out. "Close your mouth, Zabini. You're drooling", I said as I grabbed my purse further down in the hall. He scoffed with a smile. "Well shit, Brennan, I didn't know you would look absolutely gorgeous." His comment made me blush.

I said bye to my parents and grabbed my coat. Blaise already held open the door for us to walk out. "Do you have everything?" He closed the door and walked to me. I checked it and nodded. "Good, then we can go. Grab my arm." He held out his arm like a gentleman from the historical films and we walked around the corner of my street. The street was completely empty. Blaise looked around quickly and stopped walking.

"Alright, I'm going to apparate us to Malfoy manor. Just hold on to me", he said to me, not taking his eyes of mine. I just nodded. Before I knew it, we got sucked into a void and flew through the tinniest space. I felt my body being pressed down and my organs rearranging themselves. After a few seconds we landed on a path in a garden. I doubled over and tried to catch my breath. Blaise chuckled next to me. "Not too bad. Most wizards throw up after their first time." I glare at him, which makes him laugh.

When I caught my breath, we walked to the beautiful manor in front of us. It was enormous and majestic, as if it came out of a dream. I saw Blaise's friends waiting for us at the front door. They looked less intense this time. As soon as they saw their friend coming up to them they smiled. Blaise put his hand around my waist when we reached them. "You guys remember Sophia?" Pansy smiled at me and the others followed her example. "You look amazing. I love that dress", Pansy said to me.

Anxiety I didn't know I was holding onto, left my body. "Thank you. Yours is amazing too. I love the sparkles." Her whole face lit up by my compliment. She launched forward and grabbed my arm, dragging me inside. "I'm stealing her, Zabini!", she shouted as we walked inside. In the two moments I had interactions with Pansy, I felt as if I missed out on having girl friends like her.

The hall we walked in was stunning. Paintings and portraits covered the dark grey wallpaper. A grand chandelier drew attention to the dark mahogany staircase. The people stood inside wore expensive looking gowns and suites. Everything screamed fortune and wealth, but also class and prestige.

"It's a lot the first time you enter Malfoy manor, but you get used to it. I can't say the same about the people, unfortunately", Pansy whispers to me still clinging onto me. I smiled at her and she winked in response. The loud voices behind us, let us know that the others also walked in. We just stood there talking for a few minutes, until Draco approached us with his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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