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Exhausted, Lilith dropped onto her bed and instantly closed her eyes. Her long straight black hair was spread all over the bed. She sighed deeply and decided to open her eyes in a few seconds.

The reason for her exhaustion was that until a few minutes ago, she and her parents had been moving boxes from one carmine to another.

Who came up with this floo powder? Even the muggles have it better with their goddamn metal boxes on wheels. Travelling takes longer, but it was certainly more convenient... what were they called again? Something like cars or something, I think.

After that thought, she sighed once more and opened her eyes despite the protest her entire aching body was making. When she had first entered her room, she had been too dizzy to take anything in. Now she saw her new room clearly for the first time. At least what she could reach with her eyes from her lying position.

Which wasn't much. The only thing she could see was the almost completely white ceiling above her head. The bit that wasn't white was almost exactly above her bed. A black hippogriff had been delicately painted on the ceiling. Lilith smiled faintly at the sight.

The hippogriff was the trademark of their family. The Rellish family has been breeding hippogriffs for several generations. Like her parents when they were young, Lilith had been taught how to treat hippogriffs since she could walk so that she could be of help for her parents.

And for her eighth birthday, she had even been given a hippogriff of her own by her grandma who has sadly died soon after. In her fourth year at Durmstrang, however, another student had simply stabbed her so-called nightshade. Simply because he didn't like Lilith. After that, the girl who had killed her hippogriff was expelled from school.

Lilith almost cried as she looked up at the portrait of her beloved Hippogriff. But then she vigorously wiped away the tears that came to her eyes. No sadness now.

With grief comes anger, and if I build up any more of that cursed feeling, I'll just end up killing that damn chick. And that would certainly not be good for me. Instead, she decided to get it over with and finally get up.

The first thing she saw after sitting up was an old-fashioned silver mirror. In it she saw a fifteen-year-old, tired-looking girl with black hair so long that it still reached the bed despite her sitting position. Also, it was pretty tousled from lying down.

In contrast to her black hair, her skin was very pale, and this contrast with her hair made her look even paler. Her own piercing, ice-blue eyes looked calmly at her through the mirror. These almond-shaped eyes were framed by long black lashes.

She was currently wearing an oversized white T-shirt and short jeans. She was slim and, compared to other girls her age, quite small. The last time she had been measured, she had been just 1.60.

Despite her height and young age, she already had a very nice figure, which was one of the reasons why boys often turned their heads to look at her. That always made her very uncomfortable.

Next, she looked at the bed she had been lying on the whole time. It was a beautiful four-poster bed which was upholstered in white, and the curtains were also white. However, they were embroidered with fine rose tendrils. Lilith admired the curtains for a few more seconds and then continued to look around.

Apart from the bed, there wasn't really anything interesting. She had a fluffy white carpet, a desk and a dressing table, two empty bookshelves and lots of boxes that were still waiting to be unpacked. When she saw this, she groaned in annoyance.

Lilith had to unpack them all today. How the hell did my parents come up with the idea of moving to a bloody new house just one day before their only daughter was due to leave for another school? That's crazy!

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