Chapter 4: Pt1 What In The Concha?

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    APORIA rushed out. Her palms were sweaty as she tried to control the racing of her heart. Flor had been right. This mortal was......unnervingly familiar. Reminding of someone from long ago.

    June Chase was just a mortal. She told herself. Nothing peculiarly interesting about her; she lied. This was something Aporia knew better than to do.

    At will, she called to the part of her that was spirit. It filled each cell of her and flowed through each part. Buzzing in life. She willed her atoms to go where she wanted to go. Her essence like trillions of photons bursting apart. As a spirit entity, they could all travel between realms of space and time like this. Bound together like x marks on a star map. Drawn together from the forces that made them as they are. So if one needed to be found it was easy if they weren't blocking their spiritual signatures. Even more so, if they were of similar origins. Like she was to desire. Or bound together as Ero, Flor and her all were from the centuries of sexual rituals they performed. In this case it was her desire to see Flor. So her will manifested itself by taking her to where she wanted to go; where her spirit wanted to be.

    Flor knew some of what meeting June would do to Aporia. Knew Aporia had in recent years shut off the part of herself that wanted connectivity. If her kind were known for depression, Aporia would be the face of it. She simply, not so simply, let herself stop enjoying life.

    Flor was ever the clever one putting the mortal in her path. This game of desire was an old one of hers. She knew Aporia too well.

    Aporia, felt Flor's distinct spiritual energy in her favorite place; Aporia's ranch in Montana. She had bought it 15 years ago. 20,000 acres with wild horses free to roam. The land was gorgeous and secluded. Flor had discovered Aporia had bought it 10 years prior when they last were intimate.

    Sure enough, as Aporia dissolved back into reality, Flor's sensual citrus like scent filled her luscious bedroom. She lay completely nude on Aporia's king sized bed. Her golden skin standing out against the black bed duvet as the open patio doors ushered in a breeze. At home and comfortable. The candle light painted shadows across her heavenly form. Flor was all feminine liquid gold in black space. The air about her charged and laden with a desire only her kind could reproduce.

    Aporia took in her lovely sight. Her exhale, heavy in the quiet between them. The ample swell of Flor's breasts, made Aporia want to fall upon them right away, and suck and feel. She wanted to tease those nipples with her teeth and tongue. To make Flor squirm beneath her. Begging to cum like the thousands of times she had before. The curtain fall of her wavy locks, made Aporia want to run her fingers through them, for she knew just how soft Flor's hair truly was. With her bedroom lavender eyes dusted with gold eye shadow, how could she ever look away? This form really was her best.

    "Flor, what are you doing here?"

    "You know exactly why I'm here, Aporia. June made you feel something. The same way she did me." Flor stated, in that sultry, playful tone of hers. She was the ultimate tease. Always would be. It's how she had seduced Aporia all those centuries ago.

    Aporia looked down, her fist clenching. She always got this way around Flor. Needy and achy. It had indeed been too long since she had sex. Especially, sex with Flor.

    "You could've just told me what you desired Flor."

    Flor slowly sat up, her violet eyes full of so much need, Aporia ached to see it. Made her take a literal step back. "I told you what I desired. I always tell you, Aporia. I've desired you since my days beginning. From the first moment I saw you. I knew meeting June would call to the truth in you."

    "I didn't have sex with her." Aporia said defensively.

    Flor shrugged her dark chocolate waves over her shoulder, the blonde highlights shining gold in the candle light. She was a vision easing onto her knees. Aporia watched enraptured as she slowly teased her fingertips down her stomach.

    "But you wanted too." Flor challenged. It wasn't an accusation, just the truth. Flor knew her too well. It also wasn't jealousy between them. They were friends and they were lovers. In the hundreds of years she knew Flor, it wasn't ever a negative bond. It was sexual. It was comforting and a love she wasn't prepared for. Same with Ero. Aporia loved them when she hadn't loved in a long while. Even that hadn't saved her from the shadows of her misery the last decades.

    It had distracted her though. As it did in this moment. Aporia felt hypnotized as Flor's fingers trailed across her own thighs. Flor knew what she was doing as her spiritual energy pulsed in heavy, hot waves. The air so thick with her fragrance.

    "I don't know what I wanted Flor." Aporia said swallowing past her desire.

    Flor patiently, ran her finger towards the center of her, the smell of sex mingling with her sweet citrus. It was a heady mixture, one none could ever replicate. "You know better than to lie to me, my long night. I've been with you since Sun kissed the Shadows and made her own dark light. You wanted June Chase. You longed for her. And then...."

    Aporia exhaled slowly. "And then I longed for you." She finished. The truth finally stated. There was no denying the pull Flor had on her. It had always been there.

    Flor nodded as her fingers began to circle her clit. Round and round. "I desire this with you. Always. I desire these days with you more than I want anything else lately. So be with me Aporia. Share with me this gift of our spirits needing this delayed release. Its been too long. We both need to feel." Aporia watched intensely as Flor pushed a finger inside herself. She held her breath when Flor slipped in and out. The wet sound of her sex increasing as she moved her hand faster and faster. Her lavender eyes on Aporia the whole time, glowing dark and tempting. Then she was orgasming violently, the shock of it vibrating through the room. Her moans thundering through the air, in waves of energy.

    Aporia rushed to her. Her home was spiritually warded for intruders, but not for all this. She'd need to fix that soon. Using her spiritual presence, she carefully placed a binding on them both, so that they wouldn't disrupt the natural order of things, with their universal life flow. To Aporia it was like putting on noise canceling headphones at a concert. The energy still pulsed like music. It was now just muted and wouldn't cause natural disasters or cause an unsuspecting human to be overly influenced. It was now just between them. With a wave of her hand Aporia vanished her clothing as well. Being a spiritual entity had its bonuses. The vanishing of material objects was always a handy one, when you wanted to get naked.

    Flor's eyes took her nudity in eagerly. "Touch me. Now, Aporia."

    Aporia smiled. She always loved how Flor was a blend of submission and dominance. She leaned in grabbing her face hard and kising her deeply. They both moaned at their missed familiar connection. Aporia more shocked, at how great it felt kissing someone in the flesh, after so long. Every part of her was tingling. She had forgotten this amazing sensation of skin on skin contact. Flor was so soft and exquisite beneath her fingertips. Her lips, Aporia couldn't get enough of as she pushed her down onto the bed, falling between Flor's open thighs, taking control. Kissing her thoroughly and hungrily, Flor's moans musical as she fit their bodies together.

    Flor grasped Aporia's hips looking into her eyes. "I just want us to be happy, Aporia." She said sincerely.

    Aporia trailed a finger across Flor's wet lips, traveling down between them till she teased at her moist folds. "Right now, I'm happy Flor. We'll worry about tomorrow; tomorrow." With that she slipped into her hotness and meant every word.

A/N: Hello, Lovelies. Admittedly, I have a soft spot for Flor and Aporia. I've been thinking that when this is all over I might do a throw back bonus chapter on how they meet and hook up. Would it be worth it to read?

Sincerely Yours,

Sapphic & All,


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