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In the crowd John noticed the man that Tommy told him to look for. He opened the door to the bathroom and disappeared behind them. Arthur, who was waiting by the bar for around an hour, met the eyes of his younger brother, and nodded slightly. John finished the whiskey and left the table. He didn't want to leave Beth for long.

They entered the bathroom. Lee. Of course that man was one of them. He was just pushing one of Kimber's men against the wall, scrambling for the bag full of money from the bets. Was it John's dream to help the man working for this son of a bitch? Not really. But a word from Tommy was a bloody order.

John rushed at the attacker. After a moment of struggle he managed to overpower him by hitting his head against the sink. Once. Twice. He choked him against the wall as Arthur ran the razor blade across his earlobe, cutting off part of it. John felt pulsating, hot blood flowing down his fingers. He wasn't disgusted. He stopped a long time ago. Sometimes he was terrified of himself for that.

They took back the money. Lee fell onto the floor like a rag doll. John washed his hands.

"Go back to your little girl, Johnny" Arthur nudged him, and the younger brother let out a short laugh. He smoothed his jacket.

On his way back to the table, he almost forgot about the whiskey, which was his excuse. He also bought a bottle of champagne.

"Forgive me, it took longer than I expected" John put the bottle and glasses on the table, at the same time taking slow sips of his whiskey. People around gasped loudly, and shouted a bit, after one of the races just ended.

"It's alright. I was watching the horses" Beth shrugged, looking at the bottle of champagne and then up at the man. Her eyebrows came together "John..." she started, slowly rising from her seat, because he was still standing, watching the people preparing for the next race "You have blood on your hands"

"Oh, this?" John looked down at his palms. He was almost certain that he washed them well enough. But no, there still were red stains under his nails "I cut myself" he quickly found an excuse, and then covered his mouth with a suspiciously big gulp of whiskey.

"Where?" Beth noticed his pink cheeks, messy hair...

"It's nothing" he finished his drink with the one final sip. He reached for the champagne bottle, opened it and filled both glasses.

"John, if something happened to you..."

"It's nothing" this time his voice was sharp. He put the bottle down on the table, sighing and closing his eyes for a second or two. "It's nothing" he repeated more kindly, giving the girl a smile, trying to put her at ease, because she was clearly uncomfortable, avoiding his eyes. He handed her the glass with sparkling drink; she took it hesitantly.

"Come on, Beth" He nudged her gently "I can go, wash my hands if it is so important" John offered, not being sure what he should say.

"Here's to you, sweetheart" he brought the glass to his lips.

Nothing is, but what is not // John ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now