Uncertain Surroundings

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I woke up dazed and confused, my arms were bound behind me and my legs appeared to be bound to the legs of a chair that I was sleeping on. "I told you gave him too much of the narcotic you dumbass! Why would you put the drug in all of the food you gave him?! He almost died because of you! What if he has brain damage now? What the hell are we supposed to do if that's the case?" A scratchy voice asked with anger in his voice. 

"Stop worrying Shiggy, I can just cut him a bit and go around as him if that's the case." A girl asked with a psychotic tone. 

"And when it comes time to use a quirk you don't have what then? Dabi why the hell didn't you stop her?"

"I didn't get paid enough to stop her and act as her loving husband Shigaraki. I was paid to act not stop her antics. Maybe next time if you want us to kidnap a hero in training that is almost on the hero charts you'll pay me more to actually give two fucks about what is going on." Came from a third more raspy voice.


"Now now, we did as master told us and we brought him here alive. Albeit almost dead, he's alive thanks to the Naloxone we had. Let us not try and fight each other when the hero is waking." A fourth voice joined. 

Finding a little strength I looked up and was able to recognize four villains belonging to the League standing before me. I wanted to ask what the fuck was going on or try and get out of my restains but my body felt like jello and my voice wouldn't work. I let my head drop feeling drained from the tiny movement.

"It only took him a day to wake up," Shiggaraki said before walking over and forcefully lifting my head with a few of his dry crusty fingers. "Look alive a little, would you? We haven't killed you yet so stop acting like it. Toga hand me the bucket of water." He dropped my head and turned. I could hear as he grabbed the bucket then I felt ice-cold water drench me and my body jolted as a reaction. A reaction my body did not like. "Look hero we'll keep this initial meeting short and sweet then leave you to sleep again. We need your body for something we plan on doing, and since it looks like you let your teacher know you won't be back today we have a few hours with you till we need to worry about them getting worried about your whereabouts. I hope you have a good pain tolerance hero, we'll be having some fun with you soon."

He turned then and walked towards the trio that had been behind him. "Toga why don't you help yourself to his blood supply? Then we'll give him a few hours before Dabi comes to have a chat with him."

"Ooh, can I Shiggy?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"So long as you don't kill him, he's all yours." Toga giggled and I felt myself pale. What the fuck happened while I slept? My body still felt numb so I guess I didn't have to worry about too much pain at the moment, but later? If I didn't figure something out I'd be fucked. I found myself wishing that I had left my phone on or left behind some sort of clue as to where I was, instead, I ran away from everyone to try and figure out my shit. 

I watched quietly as they all left and still couldn't find my voice. I noticed as Dabi turned back and looked at me solomly but stayed quiet. Then the door shut behind him and it was just me and a blood-crazy younger lady. 


She came over to me all giddy, her knife gleaming in the faint yellow light. "Don't worry Mr. Hero. I won't cut up anything too vital." She told me as she stuck the knife into my leg. I looked away and sucked in air holding my breath as I bit my lip. "Awe don't look away! I'm going to make you look so adorable!" I felt as if she removed the knife and then stabbed it back in. "Hmph well if you aren't going to watch then I'll take some as I spill more." I flinched as she stabbed something in my other leg and I could feel as my blood was being sucked out of me. While she did that she removed the knife and stabbed my leg in a different area. 

As she got impatient at my lack of a reaction and I felt myself feeling faint at the loss of blood she stabbed the knife fully into my leg and with a container full of my blood she left. I looked to my legs and I had only started really feeling the wounds. Blood stained my pants and my left leg was borderline mutilated with both drying and freshly wet blood. She was truthful when saying she would avoid vital veins but that didn't make the scene any better. My right leg was mostly fine minus the knife she left lodged in it. 

Before I could even attempt to assess the possible damage done to the muscles of my legs I passed out. The darkness shrowded my vision and I was pulled into it leaving behind the pain that was starting to stem. 


I woke up sometime later and my wounds had been cleaned and bandaged, the knife out of my leg and just ahead of me sat a tense-looking Dabi. "So you aren't comatose. Good. Look I have no grudge against you and I'd rather not die so don't worry. I already called the big boss and told him what Shiggy was doing behind his back. I was under the impression all we would be doing was trying to convert you to our side, not mutilating you." I was highly confused and figured that whatever drug they gave me was still in effect along with the blood loss. 

"Look I ain't gonna ask for you to believe me but just know that you probably would have died if I didn't get you that Naloxone or stitched up your wounds and disinfected them. Ah, and the reason your legs aren't in pain is because I put some numbing shit in your legs. Don't when the fuck we got it but we had it, so I used it. The big boss will be here soon, he'll bring you to a hospital so just hold on tight. Don't think I like you though. I am just respecting my boss and proving my loyalty to him." Unsure what to think I let my head fall again and I closed my eyes succumbing to the darkness of my mind again. My mind was blank and my dreams nonexistent. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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