There ain't no rest for the Wicked.

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Class finished quickly for me but I was unfortunately kept late to talk with Aizawa. "Okay, kid. I know shit is hitting the fan for you and you are in the right with what you are doing to distance yourself from your old group. Be that as it may what made you think it was a good idea to get drunk with a man who holds more power than the hero commission? Let alone come to school wearing his clothing. I know you are going through things but I don't want to see you hurt yourself further now or in the future. That aside I was told you went out yesterday to distract yourself from everything. Looking at everything going on is understandable so I'll let this slide. Just promise me to stay a bit safer and don't get drunk with a person you hardly know."

"I didn't plan to get drunk if that makes you feel any better. Next to that, I doubt the guy would hurt me. Half of his damn house is decked out in my merch I don't even want to see the other half of his house to see if the whole thing is decorated with my face or quotes. Don't even get me started on the one poster I found where he cut me out of it to get rid of the bozos I called my friends."

"I am oddly satisfied with your discomfort of that. Two years ago you would have probably praised that effort." The older man teased.

"Good god don't remind me," I said gaining a chuckle from my teacher. 

"I'm proud of ya kid. You've grown well and I can't wait to see your face in the news singing your praise. Tell anyone I said that and I will expel you and deny it wholeheartedly, understand?" He started out ruffling my hair then stopped and looked at me with a serious face as he finished talking. 


"Good now get the hell out and head to the dorms. You're on house arrest for the next two days. And no I won't make you do all the chores again. You did enough of that your freshman year."

"Thank you, Aizawa. Have a good rest of your day."

"Oh, I will. I'll be making half of the class go through hell, I'll have Nezu email you the footage later so you don't get bored. One last thing, if I find out Midoryia came to your dorm at all during these next two days I'mma have some words with him." It was my turn to let out a chuckle now at his words. 

"Alright, I'll make sure to let you know if that happens. I look forward to watching the footage later." I bowed in respect to the man and then took my leave. The walk to my dorm was short and surprisingly peaceful, however, I could feel how drained I was with each step. Mentally I knew I was exhausted with everything going on. Physically I was tense beyond belief and sore because of it. Rightfully so the moment my body hit my mattress I was out like a light, I didn't bother changing my clothes or even taking my shoes off. I left my feet hanging off the bed as I allowed my mind to be carried away into a blissful dark space. 

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of gently knocking on my door. Begrudgingly I got up holding a blanket tightly around me and trudged my way over to the door sleepily. Opening my door I was met with the nerdy group of people I had been hanging out with recently. Oh and Hanta. 

"Shit, we didn't think you were sleeping!" Ochaco said with guilt hinging on her tone. 

"I told you we should have left him be, but no~ heaven help you all listen to the depressed daddy issues emo for once." 

"Shut up Shoto."

"Ochaco, don't be rude. Kero."

"No no, let her be. Compared to my dad it's like getting an insult from a creative toddler who isn't brave enough to curse." Half and half said causing me to start laughing. 

"Dear lord I don't know whether to be aggravated at the fact you woke me up or amused that you managed to cheer me up and be glad I woke up," I said as I loosened my grip on the comfy cloth I held around my body. 

"We are glad we could get you to laugh since you are probably bummed about being on house arrest," Tenya told me with a surprisingly not reprimanding tone. 

"Yea dude, we came to check up on you since no one had seen you since second period and since school ended a couple of hours ago," Hanta explained, which now made sense on why I was starting to notice it was visibly darker. "That and dinner finished a bit ago."

"Shit really? What is it and who made it?"

"We did and we made soup and a smaller pot of hangover soup for you," Ochaco informed me almost instantly. "It was actually Kaminari's turn to cook but we insisted that we take his day to cook."

At this point, I wasn't too sure how to feel since this was the first time people aside from my mom and dad went out of their way to do something for me. Before I was lucky to actually get a lick of silence while nursing a hangover, these guys let me sleep up till the last moment and seemed to be genuinely concerned. Then again Hanta always kind of did his own thing and seemed to respect me, probably because he understood it a bit. 

"Kat?" Hanta questioned which was followed by the others saying my name with concern. It took me a few seconds but then I realized they were concerned because I was crying. 

"Oh... Ha. You guys don't need to worry about this... I'm just at a loss on what to feel..."

"Did they really treat you that shitty when I wasn't around?" Hanta's voice held frustration and obvious anger and oddly enough I hoped it wasn't aimed at me. "I swear to god I'm going to kick their asses. Kat don't be mad... Everyone lets go. Gather in his room." I heard him say as he gently began to walk me backward into my room. "Whoever was the last one in shut the door. Bakubabe needs some TLC and comfort."

"You know the drill everyone time to bear hug," Iida said. I was just impressed that they seemed to get around just fine with the lights off and me silently crying as they moved around like working ants. 

"I'm fine really. You guys don't need to worry so much about me."

"Bakugo Katsuki if I hear one more word about you being fine come out of your mouth while you are crying I will carry you bridle-style out of your room and around the dorm. Now shut your mouth and accept our tender loving care, because clearly, the bozos you used to hang out with couldn't treat you right." Ochaco ordered before I got wrapped into a hug by three different people. 

"If it makes you feel any better only three people do the hugging," Shoto whispered to me. "Me, Tsu, and Hanta. Sometimes Hitoshi depending on who it is." Now I was laughing and crying but the tears were still coming steady. 

"Crying is a great alleviator for emotional confusion and pain. It can also balance out emotional imbalance so feel free to cry as long and hard as you need to. We will stay right here with you until you are feeling better." Tenya mouthed off from somewhere off to the side. Which led to me doing just that for the next 25 minutes after the minute-long hug. Only by the end of it, we were all sitting on the ground and Ochaco was leaning on me comfortingly. 

Overall the night ended up turning out to be a decent night. The next few days would be calming and nerve-wracking but alright. My bond with the nerdy squad would only become that much stronger by the end of the house arrest and I was actually alright with that. 

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