Chapter 1

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     My lady's maid tightens my corset as I try to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead. Today I will be married off to a complete stranger for the sake of my people and kingdom.

      I look in the mirror at across from me at how I have been primed and pampered for the day to come. My golden hair has been braided elegantly. Red jewels have been placed into my braid,complementing my fair skin. My face has been caked with powder and blush in an attempt to hide any imperfections from my future husband.

     I am snapped out of my thoughts as my door is slammed open by my mother. My maid ties off my corset as my mother comes over. "Oh my! You look absolutely magnificent my dear!" My mother exclaims. "Oh, we can't have that showing you'll scare off your new husband." My mother states in reference to the large jagged scare running down my arm. "Do not worry your majesty the dress will cover it from view." My lady's maid, Aster,  reassures my mother.

     I stare at my dress hanging near my mirror. It is a plain, white, floor-length gown. Attached are equally plain sleeves that fan out near the elbow. The bodice is tight, and the waist is cinched. The skirt flows out in layers, a contrast from the fitting bodice. The gold details adorn the edges.

     My mother follows my gaze. "You will look absolutely marvelous my dear." She says reassuringly. "Thank you mother," I reply putting on my best fake smile. "Now I believe it is time for you to finish getting ready." My mother says sternly. "Of course mother." I say trying to hind my apprehension. As she is about to make her exit she comments "Due try to smile, it's your wedding day after all." She then closes the door leaving me with Aster. I release a breath I did not know I was holding. "Aster I wish to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell another living soul." I say quietly not knowing if my mother is listening. "Princess Ellowein," she starts off sternly, "I have known you since we were elflings, you can tell me anything." "I am planning to run away before the ceremony. I do not want to marry a stranger. I want to travel and see the world. I also do not want this poor man to think I love him when I do not." I profess to her pouring out everything I have been holding in for so long. "The reason I am telling you this is because I need your help. My plan is to pack everything I will need for a few days and take my horse from the stables. I will need your help getting food from the kitchens and packing clothes for the coming days. I was hoping to borrow some of your clothes so I will be less noticeable." I tell her hoping she will help me. "Ellie, the only way out is through the woods. I will help you as much as I can, but I have no idea how safe the journey will be. Can you even wield a sword?" She said already packing a bag for me "I started planning for this journey as soon as I was told about my betrothal. I have been practicing my sword skills since then." I explain to her. "I will go down to the kitchens as soon as I am done packing your bag. We do not have much time. I will get one of the stable boys to unlock the stables so I can put the bags on your horse. Do you have a sword or do I need to get one from the armory?" She asks frantically.

     I walk over to my bed and pull out my late Father's sword from under it. "I believe this should do nicely." I state plainly. "Let's get you into your dress," Aster says. After she finishes getting me into my dress, she fastens the sheath of my sword underneath one of the ruffles. "Now I think it is best you get to the stables. I will meet you there in a few moments." She says as she exits my room.

     I exit after her and make my way down to the stables. "Where do you think you are going princess?" I am stopped by one of the guards questioning me. "I thought I shall get some fresh air before the ceremony. I have some pre wedding nerves." The guard nods in response allowing me outside. I sneak my way to the stables where Aster is finishing preparing my horse. "Aster I do not think there is a way I could ever repay you. Here I want you to have my necklace to remember me." I say with tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I hand her my necklace. "Take mine as thank you for being my friend all these years. I will miss you Ellie. Hopefully we can meet again." She whispers handing me her necklace as she starts to cry. I put on her necklace and give her one last goodbye. With that, I mount my horse and speed off into the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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