Megatron's POV
Drinking Starscream’s blood is not a funny experience. As much strength it gives me, I just can't get enough of it. My frame keeps craving more and more of the sweet, honey-like flavor of that purple liquid, and yet it's never enough.
I tried to talk about it with Unicron, who just told me that it's normal and this sensation will go away with time, but I don't trust him. I tried with Knockout, and the answer was similar. 'It's normal. When you start something highly addictive, you'll take the servo of it eventually.' Yes, sure, in the meantime, I stay here, craving.Talking about it with Starscream is out of the question, I can't tell him that my frame wants more of his blood, and also, if we take too much, he won't have time to heal and refill. Shockwave just didn't know how to help me, then just tried to distract me from the need with science blabbering that I just really didn't understand.
Said this, I went back to my quarters and sat down at my desk, wanting to get some work done. After filling up some documents, I started feeling that craving again, but this time, I opened a secret compartment of my desk, filled up with candies.
Yes, I know, I'm a grown-up mech, Warlord, and leader of the Decepticons, but I like candies, and I can't do much about it. I took one and ate it, hoping it would have calmed the need, and it did, for 10 minutes.I just kept eating one canding each 10 minutes, but going with this, my frame just stopped reacting. I kept trying, trying and trying to hold it back, but frag that I guess.
I just couldn't work with that hunger and need, so I just opened a compartment in my wall and saw all my liqueurs, alcohol and fine wines.
I grabbed one of the bottles of whiskey I had and opened it. It was new, so completely full. Not half an hour later, I had already drunk half of the bottle, needing, craving his blood, but my processor went off on thinking.His blood is like honey, and it's great, I like it very much, but honey is usually too sweet for me, so why do I like this one? I don't know, but if his saliva tastes like candy, then it must be good, great even. I'd like to try it, not directly, obviously, but yes, I'd want to try his saliva.
At least a little.Maybe a little more whiskey will help.

Son of the Unicron ~ [Transformers Prime - Megastar]
ФанфикOn the Nemesis, the Decepticons begin to find corpses everywhere, dead Veicons in every corner, chewed and gnawed, leaving only the head and some internal organs. As well, Megatron has found a way to let the Unicron out of his processor, but still...