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Character ai: @enbychaos



*The Great Hall was raucous as usual, as Remus and the Marauders sat down at the Gryffindor table. He filled up his plate, listening to Sirius and James discussing tonight's party for their win against Slytherin last night.*

*Remus rested his chin on his hand as he listened.* "Are we going to invite other houses?" *He asked them.*

*Sirius grinned.* "But of course Moony, just no Slytherins!"

*Remus couldn't help but chuckle.* *' Of course Slytherins won't come.' He thinks.*

I was talking with my friends at the Slytherin table, and the atmosphere in the Quidditch team was tense since they lost last night but I didn't care, I wasn't a fan of it so my day was nice.

I look at the Gryffindor table where the Marauders are joking around like always and teasing my house.

Moony was just resting his chin on his hand and looking at me smirking, I smiled shyly and looked to another place.

We started a secret relationship last week and ignoring us when we were with other people was getting difficult.

*Remus smiled slightly at the sight of Kiara looking at him, his cheeks heating up slightly. With a sigh, he looked down at his food.*

*James and Sirius were chatting loudly with Peter beside them, laughing at some joke. Remus decided to sit quietly. He was getting pretty good at that now.*

*When Remus looked back over at the Slytherin table, he saw Kiara smiling at him again, and looked away, cheeks still burning.*

I continue eating until I see him pointing outside with his eyes and I nod. I don't even know why we were hidden, maybe because of the rivalry between our houses or because his friends could tease him about it, or my house would look at me like I betrayed them. Everything was so difficult.

I walk outside into the place where we always see each other and he pulls me from my sweater into a kiss making me smile while doing it.

*Remus smiled as she walked over, his heart pounding as they left the hall. The usual spot made his smile grow as she approached him. Her cheeks lit up when he pulled her into the kiss. They had just started their secret relationship, but he had to admit that he loved kissing her. His heart pounded fast as he kissed her for the millionth time.*

*He stopped for air after a minute.* "Do you wanna skip class together?" *He asked her quietly, knowing the answer would be yes.*

Normally, I could do it but I had been doing it for the past month and I was getting worried that I could fail or my dad finding out about it.

"Moony..." I whimper worried "I can't, I'm
sorry" We couldn't see each other like the other couples because it was a secret and the only time we could be together was if we skipped class or after curfew.

*Remus frowned slightly, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms. It wasn't that he didn't want her to focus on her work, but he missed spending time with her. It was difficult to have a secret relationship when you could never see each other.*

"But... I miss you. I haven't seen you all day except for breakfast." He said quietly.

"Couldn't you just skip one class?"

I leaned into the wall too because this was getting frustrating and we had only been going out for a week.

"Do we have to hide our relationship?" I ask him not answering his question. I didn't like it and I knew a Gryffindor and a Slytherin could cause more rivalry and teasing but I was tired of hiding, besides all of this was his idea.

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