Chapter 9

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We all sat together in the middle of the store. We finished boarding up the windows with the wood I brought back. No one seemed to notice the blood on my face which goes to tell you I'm fucking invisible. Rosanna started telling scary stories to Brianna and the rest of us but to be honest no one was paying attention but the 7 year old and Tucker considering he was punched every time he zoned out. About an hour later we all fell asleep on the floor, well except for me because I don't know about the others but I can't sleep through zombies banging against the glass while trying to eat our faces. I decided to get up and go to the back of the store and into the break room. I started looking around in the files when my gaze rested on a small radio. I rolled the chair over to it and was about to turn one of the dials when someone grabbed my shoulder practically making me jump out of my fucking skin. I turned around to see Wesley smiling his ass off. I glared at him and turned back to the radio. "What are you doing up?" He asked me crouching down next to the chair I was sitting in. "I couldn't sleep hearing the zombies outside so I came in here" I replied still focused and determined to get a channel on the radio that wasn't static. "Well what are you doing in here?" He asks picking up one of the files I was snooping through. "Oh you know, just being my nosey bitch of a self. And why Wesley Anderson are we playing 20 questions?" I said back letting my sarcastic side take over. He chuckled in response and looked around the room. "Ya know this is a shitty break room, you'd expect it to be bigger."

"Well sorry all your expectations aren't met Mr.Anderson, would you like me to call the construction crew and decorators back to complain?"

"Why no Ms.Winters that will not be necessary."

"Indeed Mr.Anderson, now if you excuse me I have more important ways to spend being up all night."
This sarcasm conversation went on for a while until finally I got a station that wasn't static. My eyes widened as I realized it was a recording.

We advise you all to stay indoors and stay away from any of the infected. It is now currently 2:30am,September 24th 2015. The military is working now on refuges and safe havens for all survivors. If your hearing this now, rescue ships will be sent out in the matter of 40 days to locations near you. We will be sending out a warning through helicopter for any survivors to pick up. If you are not near any of the locations the ships go, I advise you to leave now and get there ASAP. I inform you again to stay indoors and if you really need to, as last resort use a gun if you have one. Bites from these creatures lead to turns or death. All hospitals are shut down in the cities who were hit. We advise you all to stay indoors and stay away from any of the infected.

I shut off the radio seeing as it was starting over the message. I turned to Wesley who looked at me at the same time. "Does this mean rescue is waiting 40 days to get us out of here?" I asked while millions of thoughts ran through my head. "Yea I guess'll probably take even longer for them to get the location messages out. I can't believe they're telling us to use guns though" He said shaking his head. "Hey what's that blood on your face doing there?" He asked bringing a hand to my cheek to wipe off some of it. I quickly explained to him what happened when I went to get the wood. He sighed and shook his head. "Sorry for not going with you" He replied scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Nah dude its fine, as you can see I handled myself but thanks for your concern" I said punching his arm which caused him to smile. We both stood up and lied back down with the others. I surprisingly went to sleep with ease, letting the darkness take over me.

I woke up to Wesley telling the others about the broadcast we heard last night. I sat up and pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Brianna ran up and hugged me when she noticed I was awake. "We're getting rescued!" She exclaimed happily. "I know Bri, I heard the broadcast with Wesley last night" I replied giving her a small smile and ruffling her hair. "Well what were you to doing up together last night?" Rosanna asked, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Her comment caused me to mentally facepalm as Chase fake gagged, Wesley turned pale, and Brianna stood there clueless because she didn't know what Rosanna meant. Tucker was silently laughing behind Wesley which made me stand up and punch him in the shouler. "Hey!" Tucker said as he rubbed the spot where I hit him. "Hurts doesn't it jackass? And for your information Rose we didn't do shit last night" I snapped letting my bitch out. Rosanna held up her hands in surrender. "Sorry, damn Autumn" Rosanna replied putting her hands down. I sighed and walked to the back of the store, searching for something to eat. I grabbed 6 bags of Jerky and walked back to the others. I threw the bags at them and kept one for myself, silently eating while everyone else made small talk.

The 6 of us were taking T-Shirts from the breakroom and laying them out on the floor to use as beds. It was more comfortable than anything so we just sat around telling random ass stories from school which confused the shit out of Brianna. We talked about the time I got two weeks of detention for flipping the bird to two teachers in one day. We also talked about the time everyone made fun of Wesley for buying Rosanna,Shae and I teddy bears for valentine's day which also made Jax punch him in the face. I happily slapped him back. Then we talked about how Tucker choked on a pebble that was put in some tuna at lunch.

"Oh and remember the time where Autumn punched Lilac in the face because she said Wesley and I were fucked up excuses for friends?" Rosanna said punching Wesley in the arm which caused him to smile at the memory. I laughed remembering how that fight went. I punched her in the nose and made her bleed that day. I broke a bone but she also punched me back, which winded up splitting the skin right below my eye. It gave me a pretty cool battle scar so I didn't complain. Tucker brought up the time where Chase's ex broke up with him because instead of spending the night with her he winded up coming to my house to watch a scary movie marathon that lasted till 2 in the morning. I smiled and Chase rolled his eyes while punching Tucker in the arm.
Going down memory lane was actually lightening the mood around us. Even Brianna told us about the time she stole another girls candy bar because she stole her man. We all bursted into laughter at that because 1. She is way to young for romance, and 2. Imagining the whole story is pretty hilarious.
This is how life should be. Not having to worry about running for your life and shooting things left and right, but instead hanging out with your friends and going back in time to the memories we love the most.

To bad that's total bullshit when the apocalypse is up your ass.

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