Trust Fall

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~3rd Person POV~

Reign and (Y/n) sat together on the bleachers, watching Cady try to find a spot in the busy gymnasium. 

The teachers sat in front of the bleachers, including Mr. Duvall. "Never in my fourteen years as an educator have I seen such behavior. And from young students. I got parents calling me on the phone asking 'Did someone get shot?'" He looked along at the group of students. "I ought to cancel your Spring Fling." The students muffled with objections and sad noises.

"I'm not gonna do that because we've already paid the DJ. But don't think I'm not taking this book seriously." He paused. "Coach Carr has fled school property. Miss Norbury has been accused of selling drugs." Reign and (Y/n) cut their eyes at Cady for the last statement.

"Now, what this grade needs is an attitude makeover, and you're gonna get it right now." His hardened eyes stared at the juniors. "I don't care how long it takes, I will keep you here all night." One of the teachers stepped towards him. "We can't keep them past four."

"I will keep you here until four." He corrected himself.

"Now, what we're going to do is try to fix the way you all relate to each other. Okay? Human to human. So, who has a problem that they'd like to talk about?"

A heavier redhead raised her hand hesitantly. "Somebody wrote in that book that I'm lying about being a virgin because I use super-jumbo tampons. But I can't help it if I've got a heavy flow and a wide-set vagina."

Mr. Duvall sighed through his nose and turned around. "Okay, I can't do this." He looked at his friend. "Ms. Norbury. You're a successful, intelligent, caring, graceful woman."

"I am?" She raised a brow.

"There has to be something you can say to these young adults. Something to help with their self-esteem."

"It's not a self-esteem problem, I think they're pretty pleased about themselves." She grumbled, earning a look from Mr. Duvall. She sighed and approached the bleachers. "Everyone close your eyes." The students slowly closed their eyes. "I want you to raise your hands if a girl or boy has said something bad about you behind your back." A majority of the students raised their hands.

"Open your eyes." The students made a small response of surprise.

"Now close your eyes again, and this time I want you to raise your hand if you ever said anything about a friend behind their back." about the same amount of students raised their hands, including Reign and (Y/n). 

"Open your eyes." 

Ms. Norbury made a sound. "Seems like some teen-on-teen crime. Okay, so what we could do today is a couple of exercises to help you express your anger in a healthy way." She pointed further into the gym. "Let's start over there." Multiple groups of students shared how they felt about one another and their issues.

Eventually, Reign had enough and stood up. "Can I just say that we don't have a clique problem in this school, and some of us shouldn't have to take this workshop, because some of us are just victims in this situation." He took (Y/n)'s hand and took a step down the bleachers until Ms. Norbury stopped him.

"That's probably true. How many of you have felt personally victimized by Reign George?" Every student raised their hands, including the teachers, making the boy roll his eyes and sit down. "Okay. Who's next?" She looked at Cady. "Cady? Anything you want to own up to?" The redhead just shook her head. "No."

"Nothing you want to apologize for?" The girl grew embarrassed. "No." The teacher frowned. "I'm really disappointed in you, Cady." She walked away. "We're all here because of this book, right? Well, I don't know who wrote this book, but you have got to stop calling each other sluts and whores, it's only okay for guys to call you sluts and whores." (Y/n) quickly snorted and looked at Reign. He huffed and leaned to her ear. "It's only for certain situations." He hinted, making the (h/c) grow embarrassed and lightly push him away. 

"Who here has ever been called a slut?" Multiple girls raised their hands, including a teacher. "Okay, everybody up."

The students were trusted to stand at a desk and read out their thoughts into a crowd and trust each other to catch them.

"Alyssa, I'm sorry I called you a gap-toothed bitch. It's not your fault you're so gap-toothed." The girl turned around and fell back, the students holding them up.

Karen stood up. "Gretchen, I'm sorry I laughed at you the time you got diarrhea at Barnes and Noble, and I'm sorry I told everyone about it... and I'm sorry for repeating it now." The blonde turned around and fell back, giggling when everyone caught her.

Reign and (Y/n) stood side-by-side in the far right of the group.

A girl with a wheelchair went onto the desk. "Laura, I don't hate you because you're fat. You're fat because I hate you." She wheeled herself backward and was caught.

"I just wish we could all get along like we used to in middle school. I wish that I could make a cake made out of rainbows and smiles and we'd all eat it and be happy." She cried, making the couple raise a brow.

"She doesn't even go here!" Damian's voice was heard in the back before disappearing.

Ms. Norbury looked at the girl. "Do you even go to this school?"

She sniffled. "No, I just have a lot of feelings." 

"Okay, go home."

The girl got down and cried as she walked away. 

Gretchen got to the table. "I'm so sorry that people are so jealous of me, but I can't help it that I'm popular." She shrugged, making the (h/c) roll her eyes. The brunette fell back and nobody except Karen caught her, crushing the blonde.

"Okay, walk it off. Walk it off."

Cady was next but she freaked out and walked to the back. Janis glared at the redhead and walked to the table. "Oh my god, it's her dream come true, jumping into a big pile of girls." Reign stated, making the grade laugh. 

Janis put her card in her pocket. "Okay. Yeah, I've got an apology. So I have this friend who is new this year. And I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Reign George's life." Reign crossed his arms, not at all phased by her confession.

"So I had her pretend to be friends with Reign and then she would come to my house after and we would laugh about all the dumb stuff that Reign did." Some students laughed. "And we gave him these candy bar things that would make him gain weight, and we turned his best friends against him." Karen and Gretchen shared a look.

"And then Cady, you know my friend Cady. She made out with Reign's ex-best friend and then convinced him to get away from him." Reign and (Y/n) looked at the redhead with wide eyes. "Oh, god and we gave his girlfriend foot cream instead of face wash," Janis admitted, the (h/c)'s jaw-dropping in disbelief, Reign's eyes ablaze.

"God! I am so sorry Reign and (Y/n). I don't know why I did it, maybe it's because I've got a big...lesbian crush on you! Suck on that!" She jumped into the pile, the group cheering for her. 

As the group moved away, Cady made eye contact with the blazing eyes of Reign and (Y/n) before Reign quickly walked away, a concerned (Y/n) following him and Cady following behind. 

Reign stormed out the front doors and Cady and (Y/n) followed him. "Reign!" Cady called but the blond ignored her. 

"Reign wait! I didn't mean for this to happen."

"To find out that everyone hates me? I don't care!" He shouted, going to his car with his mother. 

"Reign, please! Reign, stop-"

Reign stopped in the middle of the road. "UGH! Do you know what everyone says about you? They say that you're a homeschooled jungle freak, who's a less hot version of (Y/n)! Yeah! So don't try to act so innocent. You can take that fake apology, and shove it right up your hairy--"

A bus zoomed down the road and ran over the boy, a scream of surprise leaving (Y/n)'s lips. 

That's how Reign George died.

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