Part 5

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"This really can't be his phone number. Why would he give it to me?"

"[y/n]," your friend plops down beside you on the bed. "You spent an entire hour in a BATHROOM STALL with Harry freaking Styles. He missed the last part of the concert to talk to YOU. I'm pretty sure he would give you a legitimate number."

You're gripping your phone in one hand and the piece of paper in the other, still unsure. "I'll just wait. I don't wanna seem too eager."

"[y/n], come on. It's okay to be a little eager. And he obviously wants you to contact him. So text the damn boy. NOW."

You grip your phone tighter and nod. "You're right. What have I got to lose?" And with that, you quickly start typing like mad before you can change your mind.


That night on the tour bus, Niall jolts awake from a dream about raining bacon. "Damn..." he mutters after realizing it was merely a dream. He shuffles towards the restroom when he notices Harry's bed remains untouched. He sees a tiny light at the back of the bus and follows it to find Harry fiddling with his phone.

"Harry?" Niall murmurs. "What are you doing up this late?"

"Nothing," Harry says sleepily, clearing his throat. A smile tugs at Niall's lips and he nudges Harry, his eyes lighting up with amusement. "That girl, eh?"

Harry sighs. "I think I screwed up. Giving her my number must've intimidated her." He runs his hands through his hair. "She's probably yoo hesitant to call."

"You should have asked for HER number, you dummy."

"I know, I know, I wasn't thinking straight. She made me a little nervous."

Niall looked surprised. "Why? Was she, like, all in your face or something?"

"No. Just the opposite actually. She was a bit shy... but once we got to talking... ughhh," he shuts his eyes and drapes his arm over them. "I really am a dummy. Now I'll never hear from her aga-"


The sudden noise causes the phone to jump out of Harry's hand and he clumsily catches it to see a text from an unknown number. Niall looks over his shoulder. "Ooooooh, I wonder who that could beee."

Harry? It's me. From the bathroom :p I know your only in town a few more days, but would you like to go out with me on one of those nights? :)

"Nice," Niall says approvingly. "I like this girl."

Harry beams and says, almost to himself, "I do too." 

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