The Royal Code

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The Royal Law

1. Kits can only become Guards, Warriors, Hunters, Scouts and Patrols once they reach six moons. A Trainee graduates at the age of fifteen moons. But aren't always due to circumstances.

2. Healers are allowed to have mates as long they have an fully trained trainee or another Healer to take their place.

3. Kits are not to leave the The Camp without having another Royal member with them as they are to be brought back to camp before dark since its the most dangerous of the hour.

4. Only Elite Hunters are allowed to hunt in dangerous parts of the territory.

5. It's look down upon if one disrespects the higher ranks.

6. Friendships from different Clans are allowed, but having mates and kits from an different Clan are not allowed since half-Clans are looked down upon.

7. Kits, Caretakers, Seniors, Injured, sick cats eat first if prey is scarce then the Queen, King and Heir before the rest of the Clan.

8. Queens, Kings and Heir are not to be disobeyed, if an Royal member steps out of line then there will be consequences.

9. Not really an Royal Law but the Clans still follow the law. The Royal member have to call each other the head lines and then the names when speaking to one another.
- Ex Hunter Willowtail, Trainee Ashsprout or Senior Primerosenight

10. Although the Queen and King's words are law, the Queen is higher then the King himself.

11. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to SpiritClan for its life.

The Royal Traditions

1. Every once on an full moon gathering which an truce during the full moon. The Five Royal Clans meet on The Great Blooming Tree where the night is peaceful and no fights happen during this time, Sharing news and events that happened.

2. Every once an Lunar Eclipse is where another gathering happens and where the Royal Clan hunt the most prey or herbs. The one with the most prey or herbs gets to keep the most prey or herbs.

3. Every once on an Solar Eclipse the Royal Clans are to Sacerfice an prey or herb to SpiritClan to thank them.

4. After the death of the previous Heir a new one must be announced before Moonhigh.

5. After the death of the previous Queen and King the Heir must go to the Moongarden to get his/her nine lives.

6. A kit will become an Trainee at six moons which is stated in the Royal Law that there will be ceremony held within the camp.

7. After an Trainee complete and graduate training and becomes an full Royal member he/she but not until they complete their final task.

Healers are to care for an sick or injured Royal member by themselves, failing will result of them doing training again for another moon.

Guards are to guard the Royal family, Seniors den or any other dens for the whole night without falling asleep, if they fail they have retrain for another moon.

Warriors are fight another Clan Warrior in the camp. There is no failing in this one but losing will result of them retraining for an moon.

Hunters are to hunt throughout the night before sunhigh. Failing to bring back prey results of retraining for another moon.

Scouts are to scout throughout the night.

Patrols are to patrol the whole night.

8. Half-moon All Seers are to visit the Moongarden to speak to SpiritClan.

9. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.

10. A Warrior, hunter, Scout or patrol rejects an life of an Village paw.

11. Village paw who want to join an RoyalClan are to be brought to the pit where he/she is to fight another RoyalClan member and if they lose they are not welcome if they win they are welcome into the Clan.

12. Each Clan has the right to be proud and independent, but in times of trouble they must forget their boundaries and fight side by side to protect the [five]. Each Clan must help the others so that no Clan will fall.

13. An honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win their battles, unless they are outside the warrior code or if it is necessary for self-defense.

14. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan, even if it's an Village paw.

15. Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

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