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An unkown shadow was moving through the tropical jungle trees an Colorpoint Lady-Cat was carrying an tiny ginger Lord-kit in her jaws with an strong grip.

The tiny kit sneezed before going back to sleep making the Colorpoint Lady-Cat huff in response before stopping at the water edge and sees an stick tangled together and puts the kit in the center.
Before chuckling" No one wants an runt like you" The Lady-Cat hissed before pushing the sticks into the stream and rush off back to where she came from.

Further away is shadows gathered around one another cats at the camp clearing some sharing tongues, others doing duties and one large dark brown and black Rosetta patterns Lady-Cat was in her den.

"Heir Vinesun how was the patrols going?" The large brown and dark brown rosette patterns Lady-Cat asked her son.
"Doing well Queen Rubycrown, herb and hunting patrol came back with plenty of herbs and prey" The Young gray and black Rosetta patterns lord-kit meowed to the older Rosetta patterns Lady-Cat who purred in response.
" Great job Heir Vinesun doing well" Queen Rubycrown purred in response before being cut off by the Clan going silent outside which made Dawncrown who was next to the Queen walk out the den before calling into the den.
"Queen Rubycrown and King Caimancrown the border patrol came back and they brought an tiny suprise back with them" Dawnmoon meowed from out the Royal family's den.

Queen Rubycrown walked outside with King Caimancrown and heir Vinesun followed besides the two who came out to see an tiny ginger Lord-kit at the center of the camp soaked from head to tail as Queen Rubycrown jumped onto the large stone around the pool at the back left corner of the camp along with King Caimancrown, Heir Vinesun behind her and Dawnmoon next to her.

" Patrol Splashblossom since you are the patrol leader speak up" Queen Rubycrown Meowed to the gray lord who dipped his head towards her.
" While patroling at the streampath Rainspring heard an small kit crying out for help so me and Rainspring looked at took the right and Ladybugbelly and Brambleflurry took the right by the time we were about to leave area not finding the kit Ladybugbelly jumped into the streampath towards the stacked sticks and came back to the land with this ginger Lord-kit" Patrol Splashblossom meowed out pointing his tail to an wet brown and black spotted Lady-Cat licking her pelt from the water as she dripped grass wet.

"While Ladybugbelly brought the kit back we stayed to look around for his mother but no sent was found at each side of the border including up stream and down stream" Splashblossom finishes as Queen Rubycrown stared at the kit her eyes narrowing for a bit bit before speaking up" Since the mother I say is best that he joins ReservoirClan" Queen Rubycrown meowed curling her tail around her paws.

" I say these words so that SpiritClan can accept this kit into the ranks of royalty" The brown and dark brown rosette patterns Lady-Cat voice reached the camp clearing as the Royal members quiet down" Morningkit will become one of the Royal member of ReservoirClan!" Queen Rubycrown voice reached the back of the camp.
" Now will there be any Caretakers want to take in Morningkit" The large brown and dark brown rosette patterns Lady-Cat voice reached out.
" Me and Pebblecreek will take in Morningkit as one of our own" Larkclaw meowed out to the Clan Queen.
" Promise to uphold the warrior code and to treat him as one of your own Larkclaw and Pebblecreek?" Queen Rubycrown says with an stern voice.
" Yes my Queen" Pebblecreek meowed out to the ReservoirClan Queen who nodded.
" First I want the healers to check Morningkit beforepaw to make sure that this kit is healthy" Rubycrown spoke up narrowing her eyes before waving her tail to demissed her Royal Clanmates.

Morningkit's path just begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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