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Chapter 1

Thom's fingers danced across the keyboard, a soft click-clacking filling the room as he set up his virtual persona. "thomyorke07" appeared on the screen, an avatar with tousled hair and an understated shirt materializing in the pixelated world of Minecraft. He leaned back, observing the digital reflection with a contemplative gaze that mirrored the one he often wore while pondering lyrics or melodies.

"Right, who's next?" Thom's voice had a reassuring calmness to it, despite the flutter of anticipation in his chest.

Jonny leaned forward, his movements precise as his username materialized: "SexyGuitaristLOL." The room erupted into laughter as his chosen skin—a vibrant anime figure—stood stark against the backdrop of their more subdued selections. Jonny's grin was wry, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he glanced over at Thom. "What do you reckon, Thom? Could this be my new stage look?"

"Only if you're planning to blind the audience," Thom quipped back, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards.

Colin was next, a calm smile playing on his lips as he chose a grass block clad in a suit-a perfect representation of his quirky humor-his username, "BassistLikesDogs69," prompting a round of snickers.

"It's the year I was born, get your minds out of the gutter," he chided, the easygoing nature clear in his voice.

"Classy, Coz," Ed remarked, his tone light and teasing, "Bringing a touch of sophistication to blocky nature."

"Someone's got to," Colin replied with a shrug, his demeanor unflappable as always.

Ed was next, and with a flourish of his long fingers, he typed "EOBchaosagent" and selected the near-naked Steve skin. It elicited a collective snort from the group. Ed looked around, his smile easy and unforced. "We've got to keep things interesting, right?"

"Suppose that'll scare away any creepers we come across," Philip chuckled, his own turn at the computer arriving. As "MadDogSelway" was typed out, a husky in sneakers now joined the eclectic crew. It was a nod to an old nickname that belied his gentle nature, and the irony wasn't lost on his friends.

"Looks like we're all set then," Thom said, his blue eyes scanning the faces of his bandmates. There was a shared vulnerability in this new venture, a stripping away of the familiar that bound them closer together in the glow of the computer screens.

"Into the unknown," murmured Jonny, his dry humor a thin veil for the trace of nervous energy that all of them felt.

"Could be fun," Ed added, his optimism infectious as they each closed their laptops, the sounds of the hardware echoing softly in the space between them.

"Or complete chaos," Philip pointed out, though his tone held no real concern, just a note of curiosity for the adventure ahead.

"Let's find out," Thom concluded, standing up and stretching his legs, which had grown stiff from sitting on the floor. The others followed, their movements deliberate, a final moment of hesitation before they would dive headfirst into the pixelated abyss.

Chapter 2

Thom hoisted his bag over one shoulder, the weight of it a reminder of the tangible world he was about to leave behind. Heathrow Airport buzzed with the indifferent comings and goings of travelers, but for Thom and his bandmates, this was no ordinary trip. It wasn't just gear and instruments they were carrying; it was anticipation for an experience that promised to be as much about self-discovery as it was entertainment.

"Think we'll need these?" Ed joked, patting the side of his own bag where, presumably, lay the virtual reality headset that would soon become their window to another world.

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