Chapter 24: Day 33

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I was brought back to reality by the sound of horse hooves rhythmically clopping along the cobblestones

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I was brought back to reality by the sound of horse hooves rhythmically clopping along the cobblestones. Pain affected me from head to toe. I had a searing headache coming on from all the crying and my ankle smarted in throbbing pains.

Although, it was my heart that bore the greatest hurt. To be honest, I didn't know if I was angrier at Jimin for cheating on me, or the universes for once again reminding me how much I was hated. I tried to stop myself from spiralling once again. My anxiety would have been victorious if it weren't for the sound of the horse-drawn vehicle stopping and my name being called out in worried tones.

"Oh, Nell," I heard the sweet voice of my friend coo as she hurried out of the carriage. Hearing her voice had me bursting into tears once again. I felt the warmth of her body and our friendship as she hugged me tight to her chest. "Did you hurt yourself?"

'No, I didn't hurt myself. Everyone else did and because the universe—both mine and this one—hate me, I'm left to pick up the pieces by myself.'

"What happened?" Seokjin asked as he came and sat on the other side of me. I registered him clasping my hands in his, something I never thought would ever happen. "Nell, you're starting to scare me. What happened?"

My eyes had no choice but to follow the path my chin took as a finger turned my head to the side. Seokjin's eyes looked so sad and worried as he used gentle tapping motions on damp cheeks with the soft cloth of his handkerchief. ARMY joked about him being the mother hen of the group, and if he was anything like this with the other members, it was easy to see him in that role.

"Jimin ch-cheated on me. I-I caught him in bed with another w-woman." Gasps came from either side of me as the feminine arms around my shoulders tensed and Seokjin's gripped my hands tight, to the point of pain. "I t-think he sought someone else because I haven't slept with him yet. Someone younger. Prettier... thinner. Someone who looks like him and you guys."

That's what hurt most for me. I hated the thought that I had been easily replaced by a woman who fit the beauty ideals that Jimin was used to. I could never compete with anyone of the likes of Kim Jennie, not in either universe. She was thin and gorgeous. Jennie didn't stand out like a wolf masquerading as a lamb.

"But that's illegal," Soon-Bok murmured as if she couldn't believe what she'd heard. "It is punishable by death for any woman not assigned to a Seed Bearer to try and breed with him. Who is the person you found him with?"

When I uttered the name of the adulteress, Soon-Bok stood up angrily and began pacing in front of us. For someone so tiny, she looked like she could slay the greatest of dragons with how much rage was coursing through her small frame.

"Nell, I don't think you should put all the blame on Jimin. I think there's more going on here because I know he wouldn't willingly do this to you. You know, he sent me a telegram the other day saying how you guys were together. Even through the brief message, I could see how much he loves and cherishes you."

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