Epilogue 1: Day 664

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"Where is it? Where is it?" I chanted to myself as I pulled all the covers off our freshly made bed

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"Where is it? Where is it?" I chanted to myself as I pulled all the covers off our freshly made bed. "It has to be around here somewhere. Engagement rings don't just grow legs and walk off."

I'd spent the past hour scouring Jimin's and my suite in the palace. Somehow, I had lost the engagement ring he had given to me eight months ago—a month after the Dissolution Ceremony. Getting a ring from my now-fiancé was special and I hated not knowing where it was. What added to my stress, however, was that it was a priceless family heirloom.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."

"Eomma's saying a lot of naughty words, isn't she," I heard my fiancé coo to one of our sons. I didn't know which one he had but I was sure the second twin wouldn't be too far away.

I looked up and my heart blossomed as I saw Jimin holding Kwang-Sun in his arms. Little Kwang was the second of our twins to come into the world, born about 20 minutes after his brother. Jimin and I had many debates about what to name our sons; we didn't start thinking of names until they'd been born. The one thing we could agree on was that we wanted to name them in a way that would hopefully influence their lives in the future. Jimin wanted to continue to tradition by having 'Ji' at the start of the name, whereas I wanted us to start our own family traditions. In the end, we both agreed on Park Kwang-Sun (meaning wide goodness) and Park Seo-Yun (meaning auspicious softness).

Where Seo had come into the world first with a head full of blonde hair, my youngest son had luscious auburn locks. Both boys looked like a perfect combination between Jimin and me since Esther and I looked so similar. While they both had Esther's hazel eyes instead of my green ones, there was no doubt that they had each inherited their father's lips.

"I'm sorry, Honey," I apologised to my fiancé with a quick kiss, followed by a lingering peck on Kwang's head. "It just slipped out."

"What's got you so stressed, Nell?" he asked as he placed the baby on the rug we used for tummy time.

I shook my head, not wanting to tell him. But when Jimin came over and wrapped me into his arms, my defences fell. "You're going to hate me."

"You know I could never hate you, My Love."

"Even if I told you I lost my engagement ring?"

I was seething when Jimin suddenly started laughing. I tried to pull myself out of his embrace but the man would have no part in it. "Did you forget? I took the ring to the jeweller so he could clean it."

I didn't know whether I wanted to bash my head against the bedroom wall or cry in relief. It had completely slipped my mind that Jimin took the ring in last week. I relaxed into Jimin's body as the stress from this morning washed off me.

"Let's put it back where it belongs, shall we?" I looked at my hand that Jimin had taken into his own. I smiled as he slipped the emerald and diamond ring back onto the ring finger of my left hand.

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