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"Summer! Can you do us a favor?" I swear to God if I hear those words one more time it'll be my 13th reason.
"I'll be downstairs in 5 minutes!"
I put my hair in a ponytail, two of my bangs staying out. I changed into an oversized white hoodie and pajama shorts. Leaving my old clothes with cookie batter all over them on my bathroom floor.
"Hurry up!" I hear from downstairs once more, why are people so damn impatient?
"Wait!!!" I say irritatedly, running down the stairs and nearly tripping. We've been baking for hours on end, they've burnt 2 batches of cookies.
"What do you need?" I say, clearly out of breath from how quickly I got off the stairs.
"I think we burnt another batch of cookies..."
I grumble, opening the oven after putting on my favorite white mittens with little pink hearts on them.
"Ellie, you and your friends are cleaning this entire kitchen up after you finally make cookies, got it?" I speak sternly, looking at my little sister and all of her friends.
"Got it..." They mumble out. 30 minutes later, I help them make their cookies and I bake them at the right time.
"I have to do an art project soon, so wait for these to cool down then eat them, I don't want you guys burning your mouths, yeah?"
The girls nod and I walk up the light brown stairs, nearly tripping on a doll my sister's friends had left there. Once I got to my room I opened up my window so that my room wouldn't smell like paint. I got out the paints that my best friend got me as an early birthday gift since she wouldn't be able to come to my birthday celebration in a month. I dread having to go to school tomorrow.
I've always tried to be the 'perfect' daughter to my parents, I've played the sports they told me to, I was always the smartest person in my class, I acted like the best daughter ever. It was just never enough for them. I never really knew what was enough for them.
"Summer!" I heard my name once more, Kayla came over.
Kayla is like a second daughter to my parents, her parents are super chill with me too. We've been best friends since first grade. She's been with me through everything. My first love, my first heartbreak, My first period, basically all of my firsts, i've been saving one of my firsts for marriage though. Kayla is the older sister that I never got to have, yeah I had a sister but we rarely talked.
"Yes?" I answer, closing my window but keeping the blinds open.
"I'll be up after I help your parents with something!" I hear Kayla say.
"Okay!" I respond with, cleaning the mess I made off and washing the paint off of my face.

Kayla ended up staying for a couple of hours, she had to leave since her parents gave her a curfew after she snuck out to a party last night. I got a little bored so I started listening to music. I put my black, wireless headphones on and put on Stranger by Olivia Rodrigo. I walk downstairs, humming the lyrics to the song and preparing dinner for myself.
Ring ring ring! I hear my phone call, groaning since the song paused. I answer the phone and speak, annoyed since the song was getting to the good part.
"What is it?" I ask, thinking it was probably Luke or Kayla calling me, the voice from the other line confusing me like crazy.
"How'd you get my number, Nott." I ask, irritated since this both has been annoying me like crazy ever since kindergarten, when I wore a unicorn headband and he found it cringe. He bullied me in front of our whole class. The whole class.
"Irritated already, Summer" He asks, amused by my tone.
I hang up, rolling my eyes at the screen, still wondering how he even found my number.
I finish making and eating dinner and I go upstairs to choose an outfit for school tomorrow. I always end up looking silly when I have to pick an outfit in the morning since it takes me forever. I decided to call  Kayla up instead.
"Kaylaaaa" I say when she picks up.
"Summerrrr" She responds with, matching my energy. I giggle.
"What Should I wear tomorrow?
"I have no clue why you are asking me," She responds.
"I hate you." I joke, picking out an outfit while talking to her about random gossip I heard in the hallways.

"Oh my God Kay, guess who just texted me." I yelp, happy as ever.
"No way, is it Conner?" She asks, knowing who it is immediately.
"YES IT IS." I exclaim.
I've been in love with Conner for what feels like forever, the only problem is... He's Alec's best friend, which I hate.
"What did he say??" Kayla questions? eager to help me reply since she always does.
"He asked me 'wyd?' like OMG!! The only time a guy texts a girl like that late at night is if he WANTS HER!!" I say, feeding my own delusions

The next day I get kind of lazy, I throw on a fitted black tee shirt and gray sweatpants, tying my hair up in a ponytail and not bothering to put on makeup, only chapstick.

I show up to class sleepy, but I manage to do all of my work, for now. Mr. Smith was blabbing about math that i'm positive won't affect me when I'm older.
"Summer?" I hear a whisper, recognizing the voice.
"What is it, Savannah?" I replied, rubbing my eyes since I was still very tired.
"Alec told me to pass this to you" She handed me a folder up note, I rolled my eyes and took the note. He probably put some mean comments about me in there anyways.
"Slide the notes for English, I was late." I glare at Alec, his dirty blonde hair covering a corner of his eye. He was doing this to annoy me, again. I shake my head no and continue to listen to whatever Mr. Smith had to say.

After class I heard Alec's footsteps rushing behind me.
I heard him out of breath, my lips tugged into a smile, what is it, Nott?
"PLEASE give me the notes"
He breathes in again before speaking once more
"My friends made this stupid bet with me and I lost so they can't give me notes for classes I missed" He says.
"Why would I want to help you?" I ask. annoyed, everyone loves him anyways. He could ask someone else himself.
"Please, sunshine?" He called me that stupid nickname. Alec called me that in first grade, it kind of stuck around.
"Not going to happen, Alec." I groan out, he looked at me with those stupidly
"Sunshine... They're only notes..."
"Uh-huh.. Still no." He pouted, literally pouted. Alec was the most annoying kid ever, and every girl liked him too. Why him? He's so icky.
"I'll do anything, please?" He begged, it was quite funny.
"Anything?" I asked
"Anything." Alec repeated.
"Set me up with Conner" I say, having that smug grin on my face.
"CONNER?" He repeated, a little too loudly.
"Shut up, he can hear us." I say.
"Yeah right, you're only trying to get with one of my friends to get back at me." He says.
"Fine, no notes." I said
"Wait— if you give me your notes for that class the rest of the school year I'll put in a good word, please?"
"Fine." I hid my smile, I was screaming on the inside.

"Kayla?" I hear my voice echo in her house, looking around for her.
"Kay?" I ask once more.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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