It Starts with a Twist

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Hopefully I'm not moving this along to face. Please comment your opinion below, because all comments are welcome. Well except if you decide to be an indecent jerk.

Chapter 2

After a few weeks of being back at school I got into the hang of things. Being in class with Haru was one of my favorite things. We would pass notes in class and have the weirdest conversations. I would see Shizuku, Sasahara, and Asako at lunch and I walked home with Asako. Asako was the closest girl friend I have ever had. Shizuku on the other hand, was a friend; we would talk but not very much. One thing was that she was always studying, and that never left a lot of time to hang out with friends. Asako was her polar opposite, to say the least. She forever needed help from Haru and I to not fail her exams. Luckily for her, I was more than willing. Sasahara was mostly with his baseball friends, but he ate lunch with us on occasion. I thought it was really only to get to know Asako better. I laughed silently as this thought occurred to me in class.

"What's so funny?" Haru asked during our break between classes.

"I was thinking about Sasahara and Asako."

"The absolute rom-com couple?"

"Ah yes, both won't admit feelings in fear of rejection, but the only problem is that both would not reject the other. I was thinking of how funny it was."

"And that is why it is called a romantic comedy," Haru said as he ruffled my head. As he was much taller than me, I got used to it.

"So, what are you doing after school today?" Haru asked.

"Homework," was my honest answer.

"Want to hang out and do it together?" he asked.

"Sure! But let's go to my place, the batting center can be noisy after school," I said as I began to get ready for our next class.

"It's a date!" Haru exclaimed as he turned to face the front.

The school day was coming to end, and I was packing my bag to go home. I finished and looked at Haru. He was poking buttons on his phone. After a minute or so, he looked at with apologetic eyes.

"I'm needed at the batting center, but if you don't mind I can come over later around five," he said to me.

"It's fine, I'll write down my address and give it to you," I grabbed a pen and started to write the address to my apartment building. "Just ask the doorman to send to up to 5C, and he'll let you up."

"You live in an apartment?"

"After the accident, my mom wanted to live in the country side, I needed to finish school, so they bought me a apartment near here."

"Okay, I'll see you later!"


I walked out of school and towards the awaiting Asako.

"Mika! I thought you might've gotten held back," Asako said as I approached her.

"I was talking to Haru."

"Either way, I passed the test," v said looking at me excitedly as we began our journey home.

"I told you that you could do it!" I exclaimed.

"It was probably because I had a good tutor. Plus, I started to stop being on the Internet all the time."

"At least now I can hope you will study more."

"I'm trying!"

We talked as we walked home. Once we reached Asako's street we said our goodbyes and I preceded the short journey to my apartment. As I opened the door to 5C, I placed my bag and shoes by the door.

"Might as well get comfortable while I wait," I said as I put on an oversized sweater and black shorts. Leaving my school knee high socks on, I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. I pulled out a drink and made my way towards the cabinets. I pulled out the ingredients needed to make the most convenient dish for the average person: ramen. I placed the water to boil and started to get my books out of my bag. I had homework and papers scattered all over my coffee table when I heard a knock on my door. Haru was standing at the door. I noticed he hadn't changed out of his school uniform. He was carrying his school bag and a duffel bag which I assumed had extra clothes to change into if he stayed late.

"Have a seat! I made some ramen and still have a bit left over if you want some. I also started on the homework. Ha, sorry about the mess, it can get pretty catastrophic in here at times." I said as I welcomed him in. He looked around at the apartment.

"You dance?" He asked as he pointed to the pointe shoes lying in the corner.

"I used to, but I was thinking about starting again in the fall."

"Oh, sorry I guess I never really saw this side of you yet," he said looking around more.

"If you look to close then you can tell that you're the first guest I've had in a while."

He laughed a bit to himself and said, "Well then, I'm honored."

"Make yourself at home," I said gesturing to the slightly messy coffee table and couch. He sat down on the couch and started to examine the papers. I followed him and sat down next to him and grabbed my pencil. We worked together until we both finished. By then, it was around seven. After slight disagreements, we chose a movie and began to watch. The empty pot and bows sat in the sink as the TV was lighting the otherwise dark room. I sat with my head resting on Haru's shoulder. As the movie went on, I grew tired. I sat up to reach and grab a pillow. I placed in on Haru's lap and settled into the position. I could feel Haru look down at me and place his hand on my back. I closed my eyes and felt as sleep dragged me into its depths. I was about to fall into sleeps outstretched arms when I heard my companion.

"She broke up with me."

No way in hell was I sleeping now. I sat upright and looked at Haru.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"Shizuku broke-"

"Yeah yeah, I get the idea. What confuses me is why."

"I don't even know. She texted me before school got out and said wanted to meet. I went and she told me that she wanted to break up and to not talk to her again. The funny thing is that a few months ago, it would have felt as though my world had ended, but now? Now it was if I expected it."

I looked at Haru and chose my words carefully.

"She couldn't see the great person she had, and then she gave him away. No person can disagree to say that you are wonderful, but she just gave you away. It's not funny. She made a mistake giving you away."

Haru looked at me with shocked eyes. As if in slow motion, he grabbed both sides of my face and planted his lips on mine. My eyes widened. I still had a look of shock on my face as Haru pulled back. Together we were a pair of tomato-faced people.

"Sorry that wasn't right. I should go-" Haru started. He turned around, but a hand grabbing his stopped him.

"I never said I didn't enjoy it."

It was his turn to look shocked. I leaned forward and we kissed again. This time was not as awkward as the first. Passion fueled me to keep going even as I felt his tongue creep into my mouth. I welcomed this new feeling into me. We broke away. I couldn't hold back as I reached and hugged him. He hugged me back and to my surprise he whispered into my eye.

"It's late; we should get to bed."

I sat stiff. Haru backed away, saw my face, and started to laugh.

"I didn't realize you had such a dirty mind. The movie is over and it is far too late for me to go home. Tomorrow we have school and I don't think either of us wants to sleep on this couch."

"Haha, right." I laughed as I stood up and walked towards the staircase leading to the loft. I heard Haru follow me.

"The bathroom is in that door, so if you want to do what you do whatever you to get ready to go to sleep."


I walked up to the bed and pulled the covers back. I climbed into bed and went to sleep instantly. I barely noticed Haru get in beside

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