And It Takes Off

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I hope I'm not going along with this too fast! Please comment your opinions below!

Chapter 3

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I walked down into the kitchen and saw Haru making breakfast. I didn't think I had the food, nor the equipment to even make such a feast. Technically, it was only eggs and bacon, but in my eyes, it was a feast.


"I didn't even know you could cook," I replied.

"I had too much free time."

I walked up to Haru, who was currently frying and egg, and hugged him from behind.

"Too much free time or not, this is the best I've eaten."

"Then let's eat!"

We ate our breakfast with only little small talk. Since today we didn't have school, Haru decided to go shopping around town. I agreed and went to my closet to change. After fixing my hair to look presentable and adding a touch of makeup, I walked into the living room to find Haru ready and watching TV.

"Sorry for the wait," I said rubbing the back of my neck. Haru took a look at my outfit and then grabbed my hand and practically dragged me out of the apartment. The day was cloudy and chilly. We walked downtown.

"Hey Haru? Don't you need to go home to go get some decent clothes?" I asked as I enjoyed the city sights around me.

"Oh yeah, let's stop by."

We continued our walk with little conversation. As we took a back alley, I could distinctively hear shouting. We rounded the corner and it was certainty a sight to see. A man, in his mid-thirties, was holding a gun to another's head. As if time had slowed, the older man pulled the trigger. My eyes widened at the sight. I could see the blood that had spattered onto the killer's jacket. I was about to scream when a hand reached over my mouth and muffled some of the sound. It was enough to catch the killer's attention. He looked in our direction and ran away. I looked up at Haru. He was slowly letting me go and pulling something out of his pocket. He pulled out his pocket and starting pushing buttons. Minutes late, I could hear the sirens.

It was all a blur. Next thing I new, I was being questioned. After that they took us to the police station. The only thing the brought me out of my trance was Haru standing up quickly and yelling.

"Please calm down! It will only be temporary!" A lady said while trying to calm down the angered teen.

"What?" I asked looking around.

"Haven't you been listening? They're putting us in a witness protection program."

I looked at Haru with wide eyes.

"What?" my voice was barley above a whisper.

"We need to put you two immediately," the woman said backing away from Haru. "It has already been settled. Since the both of you are fluent in English, the most suitable place to send the both of you to safety is America."

"America?!" I exclaimed.

Okay so I know this is extremely short but I was in writers block. Plus it ends nicely. I'll post a longer chapter with this!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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