part 4

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you that there will have so many songs in moment after moment so slowly read.. If you want to feel character's feelings ..

Read now

......... Meanwhile they reached their house (mean mansion though 😅)

Yn went towards the guest room directly without saying anything to them . jk and ayesa look at each other and smiling nervously  and they gesturing each other to go.
( how funny 🙂)

Third person pov:

They are now standing at door and come in front of her when yn was sitting on the bed like criminals are standing in front of officer.

Yn - " like what?? What was that?? * With glaring at them .*  "  Are you both crazy or you want to make me?? How can huh?? Now can I have explanation from  you both . *  then Looking at ayesa.

Yn - "ayesa!! ayesa what is this?? tell me.. When looking towards ayesa with questioing eyes. And ayesa become scared and just keep looking down and jk can't watch ayesa to get crying again so he came forward and told

Jk - " yn....she didn't do anything. I just get angry on them and do all things. Actually that damb techer - -
yn raised her Eyebrow

Yn -" and why huh ?? "

Jk- " actually she told me that how much her friends keep bullying her again and again in school. So she told me about that and i was so much angry hearing that and do all things. Please don't scold ayesa. She was even going much through this situation  .

Yn look at ayesa with guilty face for scolding her. she control herself from crying and then said " Ok then what you were going to say there?? "

Jk - "what!!  i - i-  mean her teacher didn't even take care of her so i thought- -

Yn then go towards him and cutted him by saying.....

Yn -  "  so you thought to go to her teacher threatening  her and also more than this....y-o-u are going to split out your real identity .that also In front of every one that you are the great Mafia king Mr jeon jungkook huh!!!!

Jk look at her with wide eyes. He get shocked so much that how could yn know about his real identity??

Yn look at him when he was in mind 's thought.

Yn - " Now..You don't have to make that face. I know who you think if you don't tell me this then i can't know this  *while glarring at jungkook and jk look down with embarrassed face*

then again she look at ayesa And then go towards her. Hugged ayesa who was sad for getting scold from her mumma but when yn hugged her then she digged her face into yn's chest while sniffing.
(a/n - aww🥰 ) and yn Carresing her head and talking sweetly with her. After comforting her yn pull out from the hug and cupped her cheeks and caressing her face while speaking.....

Yn - " And ayesa you know nah..that Appa is new there so Why don't you stop him hmm"......

And that is it ..


Jk froze there by hearing yn's words .
Besides you can see that he become shocked after hearing  what she said .so he pinched his hand and hissed a little But when realize it is reality . He is so happy and as well as he wants to jump like a kid now.then he keep looking at yn fondly. That at least she gave him the place of ayesa's Appa.

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