021 | epiphanic meet

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Ash felt a whack on his head and he lifted his head from the paperwork, annoyance on his face. He saw the tissue paper ball rolling away on the floor. He scowled "What the hell, Gary?"

Gary shrugged. "Nothing, just that you have been scribbling your name on that paper for the past ten minutes."

Ash frowned and looked at the paper on which he was supposed to sign, instead filled with his name from top to bottom. He groaned internally, knowing that he would have to do it all over again.

"Dammit" He mumbled, curling it into a ball and tossing it in the dustbin. Gary looked on with an amused smile that irked the auburn-eyed man.

"Did you get dumped by Serena?" The brunette asked nonchantly, leaning back on his leather chair. He wasn't surprised when Ash turned to give him a piercing glare.

A heartbeat later, Ash sighed, resigning himself to his work. "You can say that."

"Wait" Gary said, his eyes widening. "Seriously? Did she reject you?"

"Worse" Ash gave up trying to focus. He rolled his eyes, tiredly "She didn't say either yes or no."

Gary winced. "That sucks. What does that even mean?"

"I have no idea."

"And you didn't ask?"

Ash paused, his finger loosely wrapped around the handle of the coffee cup as he blankly stared in it. "No, I didn't."

"But why?" Gary frowned, his own coffee forgotten and practically cold. He flinched when Ash suddenly slammed his head on the table, the papers flying about the room.

"I don't know" A barely audible mumble came from his raven-haired friend. "I don't think I can face her. I don't know how to face her. And what am I supposed to say anyways?"

"Well" Gary thoughtfully tilted his head. "I would go straight ahead and ask. I get that it is easier said than done but that is what I did with Misty and it worked. You know the story."

Ash managed a smile as he remembered how chaotic that day was. How Misty - the tomboy of the group - had stubbornly denied her feelings, only to say yes when Gary asked her out directly.

"You cornered her into agreeing" Ash joked lightly.

"It worked though?" Gary grinned at his childhood friend. "I am sure it will work out for you too."

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