chapter : 2

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Taehyung 's pov :

What’s this feeling?
Where am I?
I blinked my eyes to clear the blurry vision.

I looked at my hands - they looked pinkish, mostly healthy.
Am I dead?
Is this the afterlife?
I sat down, then it clicked me.
I am in my room - my previous room in our villa in Seoul.
Now I was alarmed.
Am I dreaming?

"Taehyung, why are you not up yet? Don't you have a job to attend?"
My mother was standing there, with her famous spatula in hand.
I got  stilled.
"Mom, you look young?"
"What do you mean by this? (She stomped out) Taehyung papa see your son is calling me old" her screams could be heard from every corner of this villa.

What's happening?
I slept in grandpa's house.
Why am I here?
And what's this?
My mind is hurting.
But a ringing sound brought me to reality. I saw my phone which I threw after getting married to Jungkook was beeping constantly.
I threw this away before.
I took the mobile.
BoBo - the name flashed.
I got tears in my eyes - i never thought i would ever see this name in my life.
I quickly received it.

"Hey... You shit!!!. Why are you not answering? Where is you? The manager is already here....."
I couldn’t concentrate furthermore.
I was so happy to listen to my bff, again. I started sobbing.
Hearing my voice Bogum stopped scolding me.
"Are you crying? Hey, are you sick? Should I come?"
Now he was bombering me with questions. I just silently listened.
"Yeaaa... Taehyung.. Stop crying and answer me."
I kept saying sorry.... Whice I should have said way before.
"Taetae... Are you ok? are making me worried. You don’t have to come today. I will tell the manager. You take rest. I will come in the night. Ok? Stop crying. Is it paining somewhere?"
"Ok...come fast" i said in between my sobs.
My bff is talking to me.
I can't believe it.

Now i am more shocked.
I looked at the date.
What! I am back in 2024?
I stumbled from the bed to the floor.
Hearing the loud noise my mother again started shouting from downstairs. I quickly stood up and went before my mirror stand in the closet.
I was stunned.
I looked so young.
Like my happy days.
I screamed loudly in fear.

My father came running inside my room and saw me in the ground clutching my hair

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My father came running inside my room and saw me in the ground clutching my hair....


They took me to the doctor, did some check ups and ran a few tests.
My mother was really tensed. She never left my hand.
Now it starts to sink in me that I am back,  before my misfortune starts.
I smiled.
That means I can avoid those misleads and be happy..

With hope and happiness I went to sleep. At night bogum came and started catching me up with the rumours i missed today.
Suddenly Papa told us to get ready, he is taking us to Dinner.
Happily we agreed.

At a fine dine, we ordered our foods.
Everyone was happily chatting.
I only looked at them.
I remembered those moments when I destroyed these happy faces with my own hands.
"Where are you starring?"
I smiled "just enjoying the view"
He made a funny face at my reply.

"Tae, we are going to a party this Sunday, you will join us"
Papa said.
Now i came out of my daze.
The party.
The party where i saw the great JJK
for the first time and made my first mistake.
No, i won't repeat that.
"Papa, actually I can't."
He looked surprised.
I always enjoyed those.
"Why?" my mother asked.
"I want to rest. My body doesn’t seem fine."
They didn’t question much.
And understood me.

With calm mind, i went to sleep.
Yes, i am happy now.
I will not fall for you ever again.
You don’t deserve me.
Tears came to my eyes immediately after remembering his face.


After one week,  i am happy soo happy. I am always smiling.
Everyone was surprised at the new me.

"Everyone listen here , we are going to celebrate our 20 years in a very lavish way. So we want everyone's participation."
All cheered.
I was also beaming with happiness.
"We will arrange a cocktail party"
Now the cheering sound was reaching the roof.
At last, we clapped and congratulated each others.

"So, tae what will you wear?"
I was thinking about something bold.
I used to dress decent.
And made a mockery of myself hundreds of times.
I stilll remember the first time his friend's saw me, they laughed at my face. Even Jungkook one day shouted at me for not being well prepared.
Now i will enjoy my life fully.

"Let's go shopping"
"Tae, do you have fever?"
"Bobo... Stop being dramatic."
He laughed "you never wanted to join me, now you are talking about shopping."
I huffed "fine i will go alone"
"Sorry Sorry, ok Let's go today."

"Guys Guys.."
Sam came running to us.
"I got a huge news"
He was gasping air.
This guy.. Always gathering news, he should be a reporter.
"Do you know who will come to the party?"
We shook head.
He grinned, pushing his spectacles slightly "the hottest man in Korea"
I confusedly looked at Bogum's way too shocked face.
Now both of them joined hand and started screaming.

I could not take more, so i went back to my desk.
Who was that?
It's so long.. I forgot.
But what's to me?
I will enjoy full and go home with a handsome guy's number.
That's my goal.
Now start working.



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