chapter : 3

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Taehyung 's pov :

Me and bobo were shopping.
Bogum was talking non stop.
"Tae, look"
I saw - I freezed.

The whole billboard was only him

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The whole billboard was only him.
The man of my desire.

"He is so handsome" bogum said dreamily. He was literally drooling.
Something annoying irked inside me.

I started walking.
"Hey, wait for me"
"Come fast or I am leaving you behind"
He ran behind me.

No, I won't fall for him this time.
I will lay low - be invisible.
That way I would save my family - my everyone. Those people suffered in the worst way in front of my eyes, just because of my stupidity.
I have determined myself.
I will live my life silently.
And enjoy - with everyone.

At night, mom and papa didn’t come home. They are still in our village.
There is an annual function.
They are celebrating.
It's good.
In previous life, because of me they could not attend. After my first encounter with Jungkook, I tried to talk with him personally. In that process, I slipped on the floor and made an injury. It's not that it was my fault. Actually Jungkook wanted beer, so I ran towards the kitchen to fetch him one. And his assistant didn’t like me being around him. So she tripped me. I had to be in the hospital for one week. To show courtesy Jungkook sent a bouquet. And the dumb me was soo happy. Thought it was a form of liking. Letter I got to know it was his PR team who arranged those.
Of course they would not want a stain in his reputation.
I smiled remembering those foolish dreams of mine.
How pathetic I was!

"Taehyung, come have dinner"
Jin hyung came to give me company today. He is my cousin.
My mentor.
I sat on the dinning table.
He prepared so much foods for me.
I was starring at him.
He was running from here and there to put the dishes nicely.
He noticed my gaze.
"Tae, is something wrong?"
With smile, I shaked my head.
He hummed.
"Start,  dig in"
I nodded.

I felt a salty burning in eyes.
No I won't cry in front of him.
He would start to be suspicious.
I never had a good bonding with him before. But He got married to Namjoon hyung - Jungkook's maternal cousin. Jin hyung saved me multiple times in that hellhouse.
Once they starved me for three days.
He was the one who fed me.
For this defiance, he had to face punishment. Jungkook 's mother slapped him twice. Really hard.
I felt so bad. Still he took the food for me. After knowing I refused to eat.
He used to convince me.
There was one time when he used to hide his own food for me. He starved for me.
Remembering those times, tears immediately started running from my eyes. I removed them before he noticed.

"Tae, the food is getting cold. Hurry and eat. I have to go."
I nodded smiling at the chubby face gulping those noodles.
He is a food lover, still he starved for me. This time I will appreciate him well.
"Hyung, How about you come with me to the party?"
He looked at me "What will I do there? No you go."
He again started slurping.
"Ok, Don't come. I heard there will be bouffe. Lobsters are the main iteam."
He stopped eating, that means it got his attention.
"I will think about it"
I smiled.
I know he will come.
He loves lobsters.


I got ready.
And waiting for Bogum.
We will take Jin hyung on the way.

Mom was so happy after coming home. Now i realise how selfish i was to ignore them.
Now I will do anything to keep those smiles.

I heard a car honk.
Bogum is here I think.
I ran outside.
"OMG... Tae.. You look hot."

I smiled "just let's go, hyung has already massaged twice"

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I smiled "just let's go, hyung has already massaged twice"

After picking up hyung, we went to the party venue.
Everyone dressed up so gorgeously.
Even Jin hyung.
I feel underdressed now.
"Tae, Let's go to the dancing area"
Nodding I joined them.
They were quite surprised.
I was never a fan of clubbing or dancing before.. But here I was shaking my hip perfectly with rhythm.

After sweating for hours of dancing and gulping shots, we went to the balcony. Jin hyung forced us to eat.
But I couldn’t go more than five spoons of soup and dumpling.
My eyes went to the sushi area.
I left them to have those.
Both were busy shoving the stake.

I accidentally broke the plate in my hand. It slipped out of my hand.
What is wrong with me?
I sat down - trying to pick up those broken pieces. A handsome male came running, trying to help me.
I thanked him.
He said he was the relative of President. But I never saw him before.
Not even in my previous life.

We were having sushi together after that. And I learned his name.
"You are really funny hoseok"
He smiled big "i know, my bf always says that"
I stunned looked at him, "here goes my chance"
He burst into a huge laughter after understanding the meaning behind this.
"Please, Don't say this. I would have a tough time if you had a soft spot for me."
I quizzically looked at him, "what?"
I noticed he was looking here and there.
"My bf would be angry" he said embarrassedly.
"Sorry Sorry... You have got a possesive one I see".
After that our conversations went smoothly.

I said goodbye to him and joined hyung. Those two was still eating.
Now it was the time for leaving.
When we were going towards our car, I saw a huge commotion at the entrance.
" oh no" Bogum shouted.
Jin hyung slapped his back.
"Yeah, stop scaring me."
He took my hand "tae, we forgot to see the chief guest"
Then I also remembered.
"Yeah, I think so"
He ran towards the huge crowd with with my hand.

Because of the girls we could not even go inside. But I could see the backside.
His guards were protectively standing around him.

And he turned,
After seeing his face I got startled and fear was rising in me.
I ducked down.
Soon left the place.
No I won't see him.
I can't.

I sat inside our car.
Jin hyung and Bogum came after so many minutes.
Bogum was fanboying hard.
"Tae, why are you sweating this much? Are you feeling unwell?"
Wiping I nodded.
"Bogum, start the car fast. You can dream about Jk after going home."
He huffed "you guys are so unromantic"

When our car was passing the area, I could see him standing before the press, answering the questions.
I was dazed in his beauty.
And Lisa, his fiancee, clutching his hand - showing her collarbone, was also there.
I couldn’t see much.
The car ran at it’s speed.

I laid my head in bed, I didn’t even have the energy to change.
Now tears werw flowing nonstop.
No I won't think about.
Nor I would feel hurt.
No never.



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