Chapter 10 - Mercy?

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I am a very impulsive and at the same time very brainiac person.
Sometimes too much!
I analyze everything that happens to me, down to the smallest detail and if I consider this 'something' important, then I think about it and think about it day and night, until I find a way to understand what exactly is happening.
All this implies the fact that I don't share with anyone what is going through my head, at least until I have a clear understanding of the situation myself.
Sometimes, however, it happens that talking to those who know me too well, they understand what I'm thinking.
Mia is one of these people.

"Ah Ah! I knew it! You like Hero!!!" Mia screams from the other end of the phone. "I was right!!!"

Uh. Here you are.

"I absolutely didn't say that!!!" I run a hand over my face and sigh. "And lower your voice, his room is right next door and if you keep shouting like that the whole city will hear you!"
Hero is next door and there's a nice connecting door and it's enough to divide us, too!
I closed that door when I decided to call Mia a few minutes ago.
A little privacy never hurt anyone.
It should have been a normal call, nothing special, but instead...

"Oh, yes you said that! It's in every word you say!" She bursts out laughing in amusement "And let me tell you: you're right because he's really fucking hot!"

"And when would you have seen him?!?" I whisper annoyed.
I never said I liked him!
She's gone crazy!
It's madness!

"Google sister! We are in the digital age! I know you like living under a rock, but we mere mortals have the internet and we use it!!!"

I snort and throw myself onto the bed on my back, dramatically, as if someone could see me and understand my desperation.
"I don't live under a rock and I know how to use the internet, for that matter! Haven't you seen my blog?" Protest. "I update it often!"

"Yes, of course! Beautiful, for sure. The photo of the tacos you ate inspired me!" She teases me by chuckling "But it just so happens that you have a general rejection of the entire internet world, my dear!"
I burst out laughing at her statement.
"Admit it, come on! It's therapeutic: you like Hero, there's nothing wrong with it!" She insists.
She knows me well, I can't hide anything from her.
This thing is boring. She's miles away from me, but she still manages to be in tune with how I feel.
Not with what I think, it's clear, because I'm fighting with all my might not to fall into this trap, if we can call it that.

"Ok, yes he is objectively a nice guy" I admit in a whisper. "He's sweet, kind... He opens doors for me and lets me pass before him! Do you realize?" I lower my voice even more so that he can't hear me, even though I hope for the soundproofing of the room.
She sighs dreamily and listens.
"He's nice, really nice even if his English humor sometimes leaves me dumbfounded!" I smile. “And what's more, he stands up to me! Really, he talks back to everything I say!” It's perhaps the thing I like most about him. He challenges me, teases me and has his say on everything. This thing drives me crazy!

I hear hearty laughter from the other side of the door. He's probably talking to Felix or another friend of his again. They call him very often, at any time of the day or night!

"Oh my God! Is there anyone who can stand up to a Langford? Enough! Don't tell me anything else! I absolutely want to meet him and shake his hand" She laughs amused, "Maybe he can even give me some advice!"

"Ah ah ah, really nice!!!" I shake my head smiling. “Really, you should be a comedian instead of an actress!”
I sigh again. I can't seem to do anything else these days.
As soon as I close my eyes I remember the feeling of his breath on my lips, his hand on my face, his nose caressing mine.
"Come on, just admit it: you like him!" She continues undaunted.
"I like him as I might like a friend! We are friends in fact... Or rather, I hope we will become friends!"
And I continue to support my position undaunted.

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