04. Charity event

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"Are you nervous to see Xavier again?" Destiny asked, looking at me through the body mirror. "You guys seemed to be getting along from what you told me about your lunch a couple days ago."

"Yeah," I breathed out, turning to look at her. "It sucks that you're sick and can't go to the event with Felix."

"It's all Felix's fault that I'm sick," Destiny said, shaking her head. "I'm going to kill him for this."

"You love him too much," I grinned. "And I still can't believe you started dating a couple months before I came back."

Destiny smiled, looking down. "Man, I hate when you get me smiling like this over love."

I shrugged, laughing. I looked down at my black dress, biting my lip. My dress had sleeves, fit my curves perfectly, and went up to a little lower than my mid-thigh section. I was wearing red lipstick, my red heels, and my hair was curled.

"Alright," I said, looking at Destiny. "I have to get going now. "It starts at seven and it's already six forty-five."

"Have fun!" Destiny yelled as I walked out the door, clutching onto my small black bag.

I smiled and quickly made my way to the elevator. I impatiently tapped my foot as I waited to reach the lobby. Once the elevator doors opened, I ran out the building and to my car.

I drove my fastest to the venue. It took me a while to find a parking spot, but eventually, I managed to park my car. I grabbed my bag and made sure I had everything I needed for the interview.

I made my way inside. It was incredible. The venue was decorated so beautiful and there was even live music playing. As I walked around, a waiter offered me a glass of champagne. I thanked him as I took the drink.

I took a sip of my drink as I looked around for Xavier. The interview was going to start in five minutes. I sighed, putting my drink down on a random table.

"Are you looking for someone?"

I recognized that voice. I turned around to see Felix, grinning at me.

"Uh, I have to interview Xavier," I said, nodding my head. "Do you know where I can find him?"

"Yeah, just follow me," Felix said as he started walking off. "He's probably in his office, preparing for his speech."

Felix led me down this hallway and to a door. After a two minute conversation, Felix went back to the party. I sighed, making my way inside the office.

Xavier was sitting down at his desk, reading over some papers. He didn't even look up when I had walked in.

"Please sit," Xavier said, still reading through the papers. "Start asking questions when you're ready. However, I don't have much time so we might not be able to finish the inter-"

I looked up from grabbing the tape recorder and file from my purse to see Xavier looking at me.

"They sent you," Xavier said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "This is a pleasant surprise."

"Well, Mr. Luna believes you're quite fond of me," I said, nodding my head. "He's crazy."

"I don't believe he's crazy," Xavier said, setting down the papers. "I am quite fond of you. Who isn't?"

I blushed, looking down. I hated that I blushed so easily.

"I-I, uh, I-"

"It's still adorable how you act when you're nervous," Xavier said, winking at me. "Shall we start the interview now?"

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