||Chapter 22||

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The morning sun cast a soft glow through the curtains, illuminating Manvi's room in a gentle warmth. As the clock struck 9 am, the room was still and quiet, save for the rhythmic sound of Manvi's peaceful breathing. Outside, two figures hovered by the slightly ajar door, their faces filled with a mixture of curiosity and concern. 

They exchanged a silent glance before cautiously stepping into the room, their footsteps barely making a sound on the plush carpet. One of the girls positioned herself on the left side of the bed, while the other stood on the right, both leaning in to get a closer look at Manvi's serene form. It had been years since they had seen her like this, so calm and undisturbed in her slumber. 

For them, witnessing Manvi in such a state of tranquillity was a rarity, a sight they had longed to see for far too long. In the midst of their own worries and struggles, seeing Manvi sleeping so peacefully brought a sense of comfort and relief. They stood there silently, their gazes fixed on Manvi as she slept, each lost in their own thoughts. 

Despite the uncertainty that loomed over them, in this moment, they found solace in the simple act of watching over their friend, hoping that she would awaken feeling refreshed and renewed.

Palak and Riya exchanged glances, their hearts heavy with the weight of the situation. They had traveled all the way from Mumbai to attend Shalini's marriage, but little did they know they would be greeted with such somberness upon their arrival.The news of Digvijay's proposal had cast a shadow over the household, and as they wandered through the halls, they couldn't help but notice the despondent expressions etched on the faces of those around them. 

Buaji's taunting remarks only added to the palpable tension in the air.Their search for Manvi led them to her room, where they found her peacefully sleeping, oblivious to the turmoil that had engulfed the household. Seeing her there, serenely lost in dreams, they hesitated to disturb her slumber. 

After all, they knew how sensitive Manvi could be, especially in times of distress.But then, Palak's mischievous nature got the better of her as a playful grin spread across her face. She leaned in closer to Riya and whispered an idea into her ear, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Riya's eyes widened in surprise before a mischievous grin mirrored Palak's.

With a shared glance, they silently agreed to bring a touch of joy to the gloomy atmosphere. Carefully, Palak tiptoed to Manvi's bedside while Riya stood guard, suppressing a giggle.In one swift motion, Palak reached out and lightly tickled Manvi's nose, her fingers dancing in the air like playful butterflies. 

Manvi stirred in her sleep, a soft murmur escaping her lips as she began to wake.Palak and Riya held their breath, anticipation coursing through their veins. Slowly, Manvi's eyes fluttered open, blinking in confusion as she took in the sight of her two friends standing by her bedside.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Palak exclaimed with a grin, her laughter contagious as Riya joined in.

Manvi blinked in surprise, her initial confusion melting away as she realized what had transpired. A smile spread across her face, warmth flooding her heart as she embraced the joyous moment.In that instant, the gloomy atmosphere lifted, replaced by the lightness of laughter and friendship. 

Palak and Riya exchanged triumphant looks, their mischievous plan a success as they reveled in the simple joy of bringing a smile to their friend's face.

After the initial surprise, Manvi's sleep-induced haze lifted, and she found herself enveloped in the warmth of her friends' laughter. Palak and Riya's infectious energy filled the room, dispelling the lingering shadows of worry and uncertainty.

"Palak, Riya, what are you two doing here?" Manvi asked, her voice tinged with amusement as she sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"We couldn't resist paying a visit to our sleeping beauty," Palak teased, a playful twinkle in her eyes. 

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