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[▲] Alenquer Waypoint

It had always bothered him how silent things were during bridge jumps. No amount of chatter over the com could make up for the fact that he knew there was absolutely nothing beyond their ship, not even the normal abyss of space. For a few seconds to a few minutes, Heinlein along with everything inside her ceased to exist in the world as he knew it.

How people like Nim and Seig had never found that knowledge even remotely disturbing frightened him on occasion.

"Last scan indicated carrier was at the edge of the ice giant's thermosphere in an equatorial orbit. Information is five minutes old though. Anansi and Cusith are set to dismount in stellar-back position to set up a crossfire with Agamemnon. Heinlein will be on high Z playing pickup, hopefully with Riptide heading for us when we're off the bridge."

"Make sure Shotel and Talwar are updated with Minuteman's strats, Red Spider," said Keiji as he finished his pre-flight checks. "How's the stomach Mantis?"

Damien sounded somewhat tired as he answered. "One of these days it'll listen to me and stay below my throat."

Grinning at the familiarity of the man still getting sick during bridge jumps he punched in the last check code and readied his marauder for launch. "Heinlein Wing, we clear on what we're doing?"

"Yeah, we're rescuing the damsel in distress," replied Karda, the nasal sound of his voice telling everyone he was trying his hardest not to laugh through his words. "But seriously, who hijacks a waypoint? There are hundreds of easier marks to steal if you want to make quick cash." He paused as though it was his first time considering who could actually hear their conversation. "Uh, so I've heard. From people who play the black market."

"Everyone already knows you're a reformed crook, kid," said Shanks over comex. "Errant is clear and green for launch."

Keiji keyed in Errant's ready codes as Karda set in on his tirade. "Crook, feh. Lazy people and politicians are the mere crooks. I shall from this point forward be known as Flight Methuselah's 'free market strategist'."

"I don't think the Navy has much to do with the 'free market' at the moment," said Leo with a rare laugh.

"Too true," quipped Damien. "I'm sticking with space pirate baby face."

Vic sounded almost like he had just woken up to do his pre-flight checks. "Wait, what are you calling Wildcard now?"

"I like 'the pirate in pampers', but that's just me," said Calli once she had finished making her update transmission to the corvettes from Tiaha they were carrying to Alenquer.

Damien's malevolent cackle echoed over their channel. "Hah, that's pretty good!"

"You start calling me that Mantis I'm digging deep into my library of momma's boy jokes," growled Karda.

"Oh, ouch! The kitten's grown claws!"

Calli made a frighteningly girlish giggle as she said, "Momma's boy jokes? Do share there, Wildcard."

"Well since you asked so nicely, here's one I picked up from Mantis' big brother Tama..."

Slouching against his chair restraints Keiji let his flight bleed off their stress in their routine manner. For years it had always been the same. One person would take a crack at someone and everyone except Leo would just exacerbate things until he demanded they all shut up. Sometimes even that wouldn't stop them, particularly when either Nim or Seig were on a roll or Damien and Karda were feeling particularly childish that day. It used to drive him up the wall, and for the most part it still did. He still couldn't understand how people could make jokes when they were headed into a battle where anyone could die.

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