I am glass

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"It's just broken glass"
I say after hearing the shatter
Of my crystal flute as it
Hits the floor

Moreso trying to convince myself
Than you
As I sob hysterically
In the fetal position

I can't bring myself to look at the ground
To witness the pieces or
To bring myself back to a state of forced love

You apologize profusely
And tell me not to receive it
As a bad omen

I can't look at you
I don't want to

I told you not to use it
And yet you did
And let it hit the hardwood
Knocking it over almost as if on purpose
Through your own greed

You claim it was an accident

I clean up the mess
I constantly cleaned up the mess
Picking up the big pieces and
Vacuuming over the smaller ones

I am still crying
Tears streaming quickly down my face
You don't care about me

You ask me about the glass
I say it's broken
There is nothing left to express
I just loved it

I loved it and
I hated you

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