Episode 6

79 3 1

Han Kiseok vs Seo Dawon...FIGHT!!


"I'll lead the way" Seo Dawon holding Lee-kyung's hand led him to the front door of the house. There Dawon took Lee-kyung's hand to touch against the switch until he found the doorbell.

Ding Dong

"Coming" Kiseok's faint voice could be heard from the inside. Then, the door unlocked with Kiseok's head popping up with an annoyed expression;

"How many times must I tell y-"


"Lee-kyung ah!"


"M-my apologies, a couple of people came over asking for me to sale some subscription of theirs multiple times. Please come in"

"Yeah, no problem" Lee-kyung stepped in and removed his shoes while clutching onto the wall. Dawon followed behind, holding him by the waist, causing Lee-kyung to flush a shade of royal red.

"Lee-kyung ah, you look a little red...are you okay?"

"Hm? Don't worry, it might be the heat"

"By the way, why are your eyes closed?"

The stitches on Lee-kyung's eyes weren't very visible as Da-hee ssi used her puppeteering skills to sew them close, making them difficult to see.

"Actually, about that, I have something to tell you..."

"Uhh...gosh, I don't know how to say this. An accident happened recently, although I can't really delve into specifics. So now, due to that accident, I'm currently blind in both eyes."

"..." Han Kiseok's facial expression at that moment was of extreme shock and confusion mixed together.

"Are you okay?!" He finally managed to spit some words out even through that shock.

"Well, now yes, but when I went through surgery, they um, decided to stitch my eyes together" Choi Lee-kyung... you're a terrible liar. Moving on, Han Kiseok also sensed that Choi Lee-kyung didn't want to talk about the subject much and decided to move on as well.

"Do you need some assistance when walking?"

"A little bit, but I'm sure I can mana-"

Kiseok then put Lee-kyung's arm through his, interlocking their arms.

"Hold on to my arm, alright?"

Lee-kyung slowly nodded and held it tighter.

'He has muscles...' A hint of envy flashed through Lee-kyung's mind as Kiseok led him to what he assumed to be the living room. Lee-kyung felt the slippery tiles below his feet as he took in the new surroundings. He couldn't describe it, but his house had a very memorable scent of heavy air freshener. 

"Here you go, sit there" Kiseok instructed Lee-kyung to sit down on the couch.

Lee-kyung sat down feeling slightly out of place in Kiseok's house. The Necromancer imagined the house to be of minimalistic setting and look like one of those model houses you'd always be shown on real estate sites or manuals.

"Lee-kyung, what happened to your arm?"

"Ah...that was...part of the accident"

Kiseok sat down putting an end to his questions. And what about our dear Mage? Well, he was standing next to Lee-kyung piercing daggers through his eyes to Kiseok. The sheer amount of bloodlust this man sent was enough to end an entire army.

"I see..."

The two sat awkwardly until the awaited question was finally raised.

"So, about that guy near you that time, who was he?"

At this moment, Lee-kyung was also slightly speechless, since he didn't know if he could casually reveal the Mage's identity to Kiseok, but a gentle voice spoke from behind him.

"Lee-kyung, tell him"

After receiving confirmation from his servant, he replied, "He was my b-boyfriend,". The word still felt weird on Lee-kyung's tongue, but he felt strangely elated by saying this.


Kiseok's tone was dry, putting Lee-kyung off. 

'Does he think I'm that undeserving that I can't get a boyfriend?'

Offended by this, Lee-kyung mumbled, "I know it's surprising for someone like me, to have a boyfriend, but should you show your surprise that carelessly?"

Alert now, Kiseok hastily replied saying, "No, no! That's not it...it's just...nevermind, but why was he talking about a master-servant relationship?"

Lee-kyung completely forgot this conversation that Dawon had with him. Although, what Kiseok had said was true, Dawon had said it in a way that sounded more erotic than supposed to.


There were only two options on how to answer:

1. Explain his situation about the Red-Lotus Guild to avoid any misunderstanding

2. Lie and humiliate himself

Although the first option sounded much more pleasing, there was no way someone who he wasn't that close with could know anything about Red Lotus. So, he picked the second option.

"H-He was just joking"

Choi Lee-kyung knew he was a terrible liar.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2024 ⏰

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