[Chapter 4]

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By the time Seth had changed his clothes, the two teams were already getting back into their positions. Noel called off one of his players in order for Seth to be placed next to Kaiser. 
"Seth, you know our philosophy." Noel spoke from the bench, with the boy standing very close by. "Support the person with the highest probability of scoring, meaning if you can shoot." 
"I know, I know!" Groaning, the boy began his walk over to the rest of Bastard Munchen. Noel had taken it upon himself to lecture the boy every chance he got. The boy had a tendency to only score goals in certain situations, and each of those situations was based on how he felt in that moment. 
If he felt like scoring, he would. If not, he would pass the ball back. It caused many players to sigh in relief and anguish, and Noel was the type to stop the games and drag the boy off the field for his antics. 
And today, he'd rather not be dragged away, but he also didn't want to score. So he'll do the next best thing: support other players and make them score. If they aren't able to, even with his help, then he'll move on to the next player. 
Ten players, excluding the goalkeeper, were bound to score. The first person to greet him, unsurprisingly, was Kaiser. 
"Seth, nice pass. As per usual." He walked ahead of the rest of his team. "I hope you'll put that much effort into your plays while on this team." 
"That's asking a lot of me." 
"Is it?" Grinning, the man tilted his head, something Seth did quite often. 
"Yes, it is." 
"Well, then just pass it to me!" Kaiser threw up his hands. Ness caught the ball from behind him. "Then you wouldn't have to put in much effort." 
"And if you miss?" He trailed off. His words somehow angered the magician behind them. 
"We both know I don't miss." Using his index finger, Kaiser pocked the boy's ribs, where another lotus lay. "This is a testament to that." 
Seth leaned back, moving his face away from Kaiser's. Too many people were invading his space recently. He knew he was pretty; he was told that his entire life, but this was just too much. 
The players watched as the Russian walked away without muttering a word. Despite what they thought, he wasn't angry or even mildly unset. The first tattoo that was marked on his skin was just the result of a lost bet—nothing more, nothing less. 
The match resumed with Ness' immediate pass to Kaiser, who passed it back. 
"Go Ness." 
Kaiser's off-the-ball movements had gotten better, and he displayed this by passing two of Spain's players with ease. Not far away, Seth had passed behind Otoya, giving himself some space and slowly moving towards the German players. 
Faking a pass, Ness dragged the ball between passes to Gomez. Seeing Kaiser move towards the goal, Ness got behind the second player. With so many options and people to pass to, Spain had a different time deciding who they should put more pressure on. 
So once the pass was made, the ball flew over the heads of everyone and landed at the feet of Kaiser. Or, that's what was meant to happen. 
Instead, it was intercepted by Seth. As the boy hovered midair, his arms were folded. Kaiser stopped Bachira from getting any closer, but the bee was more interesting in the exchange between these two. 
"Seth, what are you doing?" Kaiser asked. It took a lot out of him not to show his anger. 
"I'm not sure." Landing, he turned his body, using his back to block the player who tried to steal the ball from him. "I guess I'm doing what I feel like doing." 
Slipping past the defender, both he and Kaiser made a run towards the goal post. 
"And what do you feel like doing?" 
"Remind you of our positions." He adorable stopped, turning his body to face Kaiser. He flicked the ball towards Rose. "But I guess I'll allow you some glory." 
Kaiser moved towards the ball, but his eyes fell once Seth's left foot collided into the ball, sending it fast towards the goal. Another crystal lotus materialized and was immediately destroyed, allowing the ball to reach the back of the net. 
Seth stepped towards the man; he placed his hand atop his head and forced them both to lean down. 
"That was your punishment for taking me back; you know I hate speaking like Noel. And don't try to keep the ball from me when playing with you, because we both know that would've played out well." His grip tightened. "So be good, and just play how you used to before I left. Yeah." 
Angered, Kaiser tried to break out of Seth's hold, only for it to tighten, making him wince. He was dragged down a little lower than Seth. 
"Give me an answer." Gritting his teeth, the man stared up at the boy, not even trying to keep the anger from showing in his eyes. "Stop gritting your teeth so hard, or you'll end up like Don. My answer, Rose." 
"Yes... captain." As the words left his mouth, he was brought back up to his full height and brought into a sideways hug. 
"See. Was that so hard? Try not to do that again." Smiling, the boy patted Kaiser's head. He walked away from the Rose and back towards Maria, passing Ness, who was just about ready to start a fight. Even if he got a card,. 
'Damn bipolar Lotus.' 
Maria met the boy at the edge of the pitch with a frown on her face. "Seth, was that really necessary? I thought you said you didn't want to score any goals in this game." 
"I changed my mind." Taking off his first shirt, he got off his. "Plus, you said I needed to act more like a captain. " How are they choosing you as their captain?" That's what you told me."
"I did, didn't I?" Maria smiled, remembering her words. She just didn't expect Seth to follow what she said when it came to his team; usually, he would just let them fight with one another and wait for them to sort out their own problems. 
"Plus, you said award good behavior." Seth had finished changing, and he was wondering if there was anything technically that could change the appearance of his clothing, or if this would get annoying very quickly. 
"I never said that." 
"Oh." He held his chin. "Must have been an advertisement I saw." That's the conclusion he came to. 
"Idiot." Maria hesitated against the urge to smack him before leaving. While the banter between the two masters continued, Seth made his way through the field, only to be stopped by Bachira. 
"Seth-chan, if you have a minute, can I ask you something?" 
"My dribbling, what are your thoughts on it?" Bachira stopped in front of the boy, who crossed his arms. 
'That's it?' Seth questioned. 'What an odd child.' 
"Everyone has their own interpretations for everything—how they see something or someone. I see your dribbling as fireworks. Fireworks are blinding and flashing. When you dribble, it's blinding due to just how many possibilities you create for yourself. The flashy part should be self-explanatory.
"When you dribble, you look for a weakness or slip up if you can't overwhelm at first, yes?" Bachira nodded. "It's good. You do a good job at breaking up the pattern when it forms, making it very difficult to predict. As far as dribbling goes, if you continue the way you have, you'll reach far. Plus, fans love that kind of thing." 
"Alright, thanks!" Bachira beamed. "I didn't think you would answer me."
"Why not? All you asked for was my opinion." Seth tilted his head. "I'm thankful you didn't ask how to improve, though; I'm not good at giving that kind of advice." 
"Really? I thought that's the kind of stuff you would be best at." The boy with the highlights wondered. 
"Not me. I have trouble putting a lot of things into words." Seth could only give advice to people who played just like him, and unfortunately, Bachira was not one of them. 
He took no pleasure or satisfaction in the goal he had scored, because to others it was great, but to him it was empty. No planning went into it. It was only scored because of his whim to bring Kaiser down a few feet. 
At least now he could make a few passes, block a few players, and do some general support. 

Or, that's what he wanted to do, but due to Isagi's interference, the matchup between Noel and Lavinho had ended rather quickly

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Or, that's what he wanted to do, but due to Isagi's interference, the matchup between Noel and Lavinho had ended rather quickly. Meaning he was back on Bastard Munchen's team. Seth wondered if he could just ask Ego if he could just wear plain white instead of being forced to swap between uniforms. 
"Such a damn pain." The boy groans. He spread his arms out and looked towards Kaiser, who was cracking his neck next to the boy. "Kaiser, stretch, please." 
Humming, the Rose and Lotus hooked their arms while being back to back, and Kaiser lifted Seth over his back, causing a groan and a line of curses to leave him. Despite their little spat earlier, they seemed to be fine. 
It definitely wasn't the first time they had a disagreement, and it wouldn't be the last; however, they were sensible people who didn't hold grudges against one another. 
With his feet still hovering, Isagi approached the two. 
"Mister Seth, sir?" What he said caused lightning to strike the Russian and caused his face to deadpan. 
Was he really that old that someone who is only seventeen would call him "mister" and "sir"? That would mean that he was old.
"Don't call me that." He mumbled. "Seth is fine; everyone calls me that. You shouldn't have a problem with the pronunciation."
"Huh, yeah, sorry. I just wanted to have a world with you." 
"Are you trying to steal my captain, Yoichi?" Kaiser grinned. 
"No thanks." Isagi had a disgusted look on his face. "I'd rather not speak to you more than I'm currently forced to." 
'Damn. What did he do to you?' Interested, Seth got off Kaiser and walked towards the boy. 
"And from what I saw." Isagi took several steps back. "It seemed like all your captain had to do was tighten your leash to get you under control again. You looked exactly like a domesticated dog, but I guess it's not too far off from the real thing." 
Before Kaiser could commit a crime on Japanese soil, Seth rushed Isagi away. Seth was one of the two people currently responsible for Kaiser, so if he laid hands on one of Ego's gems, he would have to explain why. 
And knowing Ego, he would ask for compensation. The New- Generation 11's budget was great, but he'd rather not give any money to that guy. 
"What did you want to ask?" Seth looked down at Isagi, mostly with his eyes. Very blue. His eyes paired very well with his hair. 
"Yes, I know it may be asking a lot of you, but could you allow me a pass?" The blue locker looked very determined. "If I'm being honest, I can't seem to learn much from you. Your ball handling and playmaking are what I idealize, but everything you do is surrendered in mist. 
"So until I can, I want only a single pass from you. Allow me to show you what I'm capable of, and then you can decide whether you side with Kaiser or I." 
Staring at him, the Russian looked towards Noel, who was already staring directly at them. 
"I honestly expected you to just take the ball." 
"I would, and I will, but I want to beat and surpass Kaiser. I'm sure even with a single pass from you, a number of paths will open up." Smiling, Isagi scratches his head. "And having you in my contacts will do me good in the future." 
"Smart, you were the first to ask." Seth turned away. "I usually pass to however I feel like; all you have to do is start the fire, and I'll bring the oil. That's my job here after all; then it'll be your job to keep that fire going when I'm gone." 
Walking away, Seth was pleased that a few people from Blue Lock spoke to him like he was a normal person. He had helped score a goal against Germany and scored a goal against Spain, yet Isagi and Bachira didn't seem to care. 
A complete contrast to the players he has met in other countries. Now, it was up to Isagi to make an impression. 
With everyone back in their places, the march restarted! 

Next chapter is straight plays, get ready.

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