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Chapter 5


"Per favore Dio, non ascolterai la mia preghiera? Voglio solo il mio bambino. Per favore, te ne supplico."

(Please God, won't you hear my prayer? I just want my baby. Please , I beg you)

Kneeled in front of the altar, Sonya cried out pleading to christ for aid. She wanted her salmaa back. Her baby had to return and she prayed that nothing happened to her because she knew her heart wouldn't be able to handle it.

Sonya reached over to the inhaler beside her and brought it to her dried lips, taking in a huge breath befor releasing the pump. It had been 2 days since salmaa had disappeared.

The police chased her away saying that her daughter was probably gone somewhere or that she had already died and they had better things to do. She faught and scoured the streets for her daughter. She couldn't go back to that apartment, so she took her small suitcase and the few toys Salmaa had.

Now she just wandered around, only closing her eyes to nightmares and vivid visions. Sonya was slowly losing her mind.

"Please, help me". She said finally sobbing again. Her trembling hands were cold to the touch and her once vibrant brown skin became dull,  a gray hue to it.
She too wanted her mother. She missed her embrace. She wanted to call and tell her family but then she didn't want to worry them.

The situation was serious and a selfish part of her wanted to handle this herself. Although she knew the dull physical ache in her heart meant her health was slowly deteriorating. Her lifeline was lost and she needed to find it.
Sonya's desperate prayers echoed through the empty church, reverberating off the stone walls as if seeking solace in the divine silence. With each plea, her heartache deepened, a heavy burden weighing down her every breath. The flickering candlelight offered little comfort as Sonya grappled with the unimaginable fear of never seeing her daughter again.

As she knelt there, tears streaming down her face, memories of Salmaa flooded her mind like a bittersweet symphony. She recalled the sound of her laughter, the warmth of her embrace, and the innocence reflected in her sparkling eyes. How could such a precious soul be torn away from her so suddenly, leaving behind only an agonizing void?

In her anguish, Sonya clung to the few remnants of hope that remained, a flickering flame amidst the darkness that threatened to consume her. She vowed to never give up, to continue searching for Salmaa with every fiber of her being, even as despair threatened to engulf her entirely.

Rising slowly to her feet, Sonya wiped away her tears, steeling herself for the daunting task that lay ahead. With each step she took, she felt the weight of her grief pressing down upon her, threatening to crush her spirit. But she refused to surrender to despair, for she knew that somewhere out there, her daughter was waiting for her to bring her home.

With a determined resolve, Sonya set out once more into the unknown, guided only by the flickering light of hope that burned within her heart. And as she wandered the streets of Rome, her prayers mingled with the whispers of the night, a silent plea for the safe return of her beloved Salmaa.


Andradé glanced, noticing Salmaa sitting quietly in the passenger seat beside him. His heart ached at the thought of leaving her alone, especially after witnessing the fear and vulnerability in her eyes. He knew he couldn't abandon her, not when she needed someone to protect her the most.

With a determined resolve, Andradé made a split-second decision. Instead of continuing his search for Margita, he diverted his course towards Villa Corlatta, his family's mansion nestled on the outskirts of Rome.

As they arrived at the grand estate, Andradé led Salmaa inside, his hand firmly clasped in hers. The opulent surroundings of the mansion contrasted sharply with Salmaa's disheveled appearance, but Andradé paid no mind to the curious glances of the household staff as he guided her through the halls.

Entering the lavish living room, Andradé was greeted by the sight of his stepmother and siblings lounging on the plush sofas, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion at his unexpected arrival with a young child in tow.

"Who is this?" his stepmother inquired, her tone tinged with annoyance as she eyed Salmaa skeptically.

"This is Salmaa," Andradé replied firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. His response was short. He paid no mind to the disgusted look his sister gave him and pulled closer to his side firmly grasping her hand. She stood behind his leg, hiding from they're prying eyes.

Before his stepmother could protest further, the doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of their guests for dinner. Andradé's soon to be fiancée, Isol, and her family had arrived, along with a sense of tension that hung heavy in the air.

Ignoring the apprehensive glances exchanged between his stepmother and Isol's family, Andradé focused his attention on Salmaa, guiding her to a nearby seat and offering her a reassuring smile.

"Stay here, Salmaa," he said softly, crouching down to her eye level. "You'll be safe with me." he glanced at Salmaa, her eyes wide with curiosity as she observed the unfamiliar surroundings and then sat next to her.

"Who is this child?" Isol asked, breaking the silence that filled the grand room.

"Helena get her something to eat".He said to the maid not looking away from isol with an irritated look. He ignored her question and then turned to the 3 year old "are you hungry?" He asked.

She nodded and then began fidgeting with her fingers. She missed her mom. Her little heart hurt but she felt safe with the man beside her.

As Helena placed the plate of food in front of Salmaa, she knelt down beside her with a gentle smile. "Don't worry, sweetheart. It's delicious," she assured, trying to ease the tension in the air.

Salmaa hesitated for a moment before tentatively picking up a fork and struggling to handle it. Andradé noticed her difficulty and without a second thought, he reached over and took the fork from her hand. "Here, let me help you," he said softly, his tone gentle as he began to feed her the chicken alfredo and the small cherry tomatoes.

The room fell into an uncomfortable silence as Isol's family watched the scene unfold, unsure of how to react to Andradé's unexpected display of kindness towards the young girl. Isol herself seemed particularly flustered by Andradé's attention being diverted away from their discussion of the upcoming marriage.

"Andradé, perhaps we should discuss the upcoming marriage," Isol's father interjected, attempting to redirect the conversation. "It's an important alliance between our families."

Andradé nodded, but his focus remained on Salmaa as he continued to feed her with care and patience. "Of course". His response curt. Romelu looked at his son with an irritated look and then at the little girl.

Isol's mother exchanged a disapproving look with her husband, but before she could voice her objections Romelu interjected"Shall we talk about this over dinner?" His sly smile directed at Mr hugo.

Everyone agreed "Very well.  My wife will lead the way". Andradé could see behind the facade. This man was the devil, but he himself was one too but then again he was like this only because of the very man that fathered him.

He needed to get salmaa out of there. He didn't want anything to happen to her.

Not now.
Not until he found her mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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