What deal?.29.

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He turned around and was looking at me was waiting for me to say something to him. I stood there for a minute.
"You forgot to return my shirt." I said. He gave a big smile and then said.
"That was my shirt and if I remember right you told me that you had took it by mistake. What do you want to do with it?" He asked me with a smirk on his face.
"What comes inside of my house is mine, so return it, it doesn't matter what I am going to do with it." I said as I crossed my arms.
"Does that mean I am yours too?" He asked me with the biggest smile.  
"Give it back and stop joking." I said hitting his arm and smiling.
"Only  if you answer my question." He said.
"The last time I remember you were married." I said crossing my arms.
"People can get divorced princess." He said leaning closer to me.
"Can you please give me back the shirt that you theft from my wardrobe?" I asked as I made a step back.
"Theft? I think you did that before I just it back!" He said making a step forward. I was already next to the wall and couldn't make any steps back. He got closer to me. Our bodies were now to close just an inch apart. His face was so close to mine. And our lips les then an inch apart. Just when I thought he was going to kiss me he stepped back and took his shirt off.  
"You can have it." He said as he leand his shirt to my hand.
"And how are you supposed to go home?" I asked him. 
"You have my other shirt, forgot?" He asked, but I was busy looking at his abs. He was shirtless. 
"Oh yeah." I sed. I went to my room took his shirt which I didn't want to give it back, but I had to I couldn't let hi go home shirtless. 
"Here." I said as I handed him his shirt. He wore his shirt and was about to leave.
"Aren't you going to stay?" I finally asked.
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Solen may want you in the morning that's why I asked." I said. I couldn't tell him that I didn't want him to leave so Solen looked like a reasonable excuse. 
"I know you want me to stay here princess, but I have work to do, tomorrow I have a case, so I need to be home." He said brushing my hair. Here we go again, the butterflies were dancing in my stomach. But I got angry. He knew me very well and he knew that I wanted him here, but he decided to leave. I didn't want him to leave but I also didn't want to look lie I wanted him.
"You know the door, you can go. I have to sleep. Night." I said as I turned to leave.
"Don't do this princess, you know you make me sad when you get sad." He said as he stopped me from leaving.
" Then don't make things that are going to make me sad." I said.
"I promise to you that after work I will be here. As soon as I finish it I will be here." He said holding my hand.
"I have heard a lot of promises." I said.
"I will come princess, even if the Earth gets destroyed I will come." He said brushing my cheek. 
"We will see about that." I said to him with a smile. 
"I have to go now, but as I said I will come back." He said. He hugged me and then left. I saw him leaving. I had his shirt on my hand. I went to bed. That guy really knows how to make me fell like a princess with just some words. 

When I woke up in the morning I wen straight to Solen's room. She was sleeping. I went downstairs cooked some breakfast, woke Solen up. An then I was talking to her. She was telling me about yesterday. The way that she was telling me everything I could see she had had an amazing time. After lunch, Rafaela came and took Solen out to the zoo. Rafaela is my best friend. She has a soon a at Solens age. She invited me to go to the zoo with them but I told her that I was waiting for Matteo. I saw Solens excited about the trip to the zoo so I let her go with Rafaela. 

Not longer after they left I heard a nock on my door. I got excited thinking it was Matteo but when I opened the door I saw someone I didn't want to see.
"What do you want Nick?" I asked angry. 
"Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asked me.
"No." I yelled. He was about to come inside of my house but I pushed him and closed the door behind me. 
"Why are you here Nick?" I yelled.
"Oh, so my brother is allowed to go inside your house, inside your room but i am not?" He asked angrily.
"Who do you think you are and how do you know that Nick has been inside my house?" I asked him yelling.
"I have watched you, I always have." He said. I was in shocked. This man was crazy.
"You have been stalking me?" I asked angrily. 
"I am in love with you why can't you accept that. I saw how you looked to my brother. You look at him like he is the only man in the world like he is your medicine. I have always wanted for you to look at me the same way you look at him." He said with his voice raised.
"I am not, I am not in love with you, why cant you accept that. And yes I look at your brother that way because he is the only man for me, he is my medicine. I am in love with him and I will always be. Stop loving me or stalking me anymore or I swear I will make you regret you were born." I said yelling. 
"We had a deal together. You have to meet me. And I wont stop I will make you fall in love me." He said.
"We didn't had a deal you threaten me. And I will NEVER love you." I yelled.
"What deal?" A voice asked. No, no, no, no, no. That voice. I turned my face to see Matteo. I wonder if he has heard the whole conversation.

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