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Dave was frozen, terrified. They are here. They were already right there, outside of the apartment. He was pretty sure that if they knew which building he lived in, they'd know which flat he was in. And it'd be only a matter of a few minutes before they come in, either silently or just breaking down the whole door.

Atleast five suited men exited the black, ominous car and they were all prepared for anything. Two of them had guns, two more had bats and one of them just had a... box in his hands, but Dave couldn't see what it was from afar. All he knew was to hide as soon as possible and tell Allium that she cannot come home. Even if she could fight them, he didn't want his dearest friend getting involved in this mayhem.

He quickly and silently rushed to the bedroom and at first tried to fit himself under the bed, but then went into the closet. If they don't immediately check the bedroom, then i might be able to sneak out of the house behind their backs... It was a bit of a stretch, but he had to try and escape for when they enter.


Allium had been sprinting on the roofs without stopping for atleast 3 minutes before she had to stop. She was out of breath and panting and she knelt down on the hard brick. She could barely move now, completely exhausted. Yet the apartment would still be about 5-10 minutes away, no matter how fast she ran.

She checked her phone, but there was only one new message, which was sent a minute ago.

- They are already here. You cannot come back.

It was the last message she got and it made her heart beat faster. She was terrified of what could happen, as she had no idea if they want him dead or to kidnap him. Both scenarios are bad, but she couldn't do anything to help him. Allium had tried getting up, but her legs were tired out, she had to either slowly walk back in the dingy alleyways, or rest here for some time.

With either choice, she felt regret even if she couldn't do anything about it. She texted Dave in hopes that he'll atleast protect himself. She still has hope, even if it's faint.

- No matter what, try to protect yourself. For both my and your sake.

She gripped her phone tightly from the sheer fear and worry she felt for her friend. He's been her best friend for years now, she doesn't know what she would do without him. She laid back onto the cold roof, closing her eyes to try and calm herself. A cool breeze blew a few small strands of her hair back as it caressed her flushed, sweaty face.


Dave was breathing a bit heavily as his adrenaline levels spiked up, looking at his phone as he sent the message. He gripped the knife in his other hand tightly, ready for anything that could happeny but also just so terrified he thinks he might piss himself.

And he almost did shit himself right then and there when he heard that noise he dreaded for so many seconds that felt like hours. They broke the front door down. One of the men, who was around his mid-30s judging by his voice, spoke as all 5 of them made their way in.

"Yes, this is definitely the right place. He's just hiding somewhere." The man sounded both angry and satisfied that they will soon have him. It started to feel like they didn't really care about the papers. They just really wanted him for some reason.

He put a hand to his mouth to make his breathing even more hard to hear. Dave tried to listen closely as to which room they would walk to, and really, really hoping that they wouldn't come into here first. He aleady had a plan in mind, as he could easily sprint to the door and then out. However, two of them had a gun. And that one man with the box... he had no idea what was in it.

The men slowly made their way towards the living room and kitchen, three of them staying there and searching and two others looked inside Allium's bedroom, the bathroom and some other rooms.
Dave slowly made his way out of the closet, and he has never been this grateful that the closet door doesnt make any noise. He peeks his head out, and saw that the 3 men who were in the kitchen and living space were focused on something else, searching. The one with the box was also here, and he was holding a... vial? with clear liquid and something else he couldn't see.

That definitely creeped him out, but he focused on trying to get out safely. The door was kicked open, so he could either sneak there or run there. Both of them were risky, but he felt like he didn't have enough time to sneak around. So he took a deep breath, and then ran as fast as he could towards the door, running past the kitchen and alerting all five of the men.

He heard one of them shouting "Go grab him!" as he ran, and he heard four of them moving towards him. They were also running, though not shooting or hitting him.

Dave was running as fast as he could, his blood pressure and heart rate rising rapidly the moment he heard four of the five men starting to run at him. He eventually turned a sharp corner and ran through the door before basically throwing himself down the stairs. It hurt to roll down the hard brick stairs, it was definitely gonna leave a few bruises. He quickly sat up and jumped to his feet as he saw them running down the stairs, yelling as they raised their guns and bats.

He threw the door open to the apartment complex, running out into the open city. He ran as fast as he could, immediately running into a dark alleyway. It wasn't the best option, but if he was gonna be chased, he might as well run through all the small deserted alleys to hopefully lose them.


He quickly had to stop running, as he just wasn't capable of running for that long. He was never a good runner, so it was suprising to him that he managed to get away from them - atleast for now. He walked through the dark spaces filled with an unpleasant smell, but it's something he has grown accustomed to. After a while though, he decided to stop for a bit, he must be pretty far away from the building already. He leaned a shoulder against an old wall with wear and tear from the years.

His senses weren't that good now that the adrenaline wore off and the exhaustion set in, and he wasn't as alert for those few moments he tried relaxing. And it was quite a big mistake.

Just moments after he settled down, he felt a cold hand touch his neck, but before he could react properly, he felt a needle being pushed into his neck gently. A liquid was being injected into him, a sedative.

But by the time he realized it, he already felt drowsy and weak. His eyes fluttered closed even with his small protests to stay awake and alert. He felt the cold hand letting go of him and the syringe being pulled out. After that, he fell back and onto something softer than the solid floor, a person's arms. He then blacked out. (Skill issue in my opinion)

(word count: 1285)

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