Chapter 3 - Athena

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I was sitting in my room researching actuarial sciences as a possible career option when my dad knocked on my door. I looked up.
"Hey dad," I smiled, my dad never came into my room.
"Sweetheart, your mom and I need to talk to you about something," he hesitated.
"Dad, mom is in Milan," I reminded him.
He held up an IPad, "She's going to use Skype, this is important." He tapped on the IPad looking for Skype, he then put the IPad down on my desk and sat in the chair next to my desk.
"Good morning darling!" My mom's voice came up an octave higher that usual and she looked stressed out about something, her glasses resting up on her head.
"Uhm, it's evening mom, is everything okay? You sound a little stressed out," I said to mom, worried, I hope everything was fine. She ignored me.
"Darling remember how your dad and I found you, sweetie?" She asked.
"Yes," I said cautiously, "you said that the doorbell ring and you opened the door and you found me, a day old, in a little cot, crying."
"And then?" She said, motioning for me to continue.
"And then you went through all the necessary steps to adopt me and raise me as your daughter." I said, confusedly, why were they asking me to repeat this to them?
"We were only allowed to adopt you after no one had claimed you," said my dad, quietly, not looking at me, "your real parents came here after the adoption was finalized, they said we were to take care of you until you were 17 years old, the age when they would fetch you and take you to your rightful home," my dad was almost whispering now, he looked pale. I wasn't sure I heard right.
"No, that can't be...right, I refuse to believe that my birth parents would stay out of my life for 17 years..." my voice caught,what kind of parents would do that to their child?
"Athena, they loved you very much, please understand that they had no choice, your life was in danger, the only way they could protect you was to stay away from you," my mom said, all her words were in a rush and she was crying.
"How was my life in danger?!" I hadn't meant to scream but I was on the verge of tears.
"You were being hunted by Giants and monsters," whispered my dad,"Athena, your true parents are Zeus and Hera, you are the Greek goddess of Wisdom, that is why your life was in danger."
I laughed, I was past the point of hysteria, my parents were mad, I think they'd lost it completely.
"Athena we are being serious, they have decided not to wait until your 17th birthday, they are coming to get you on Monday to take you back to your true home in Greece." My mom was trying to hold it together but her voice sounded shrill.
"Wait, this is real?" I couldn't believe it, I didn't believe it.
"Yes, this is real, they are real," my dad said, finally looking at me, but he betrayed no emotion.
"We'll leave you to think about everything, always remember that we love you, baby girl." Mom said this as if she was never going to see me again.
"When are they coming?" I asked dad after mom had ended the video chat and her face had vanished off the screen.
"Monday," he said evenly walking to the door.
"What if I don't go?" I asked.
"You don't have a choice, they are Olympians, they get what they want." He closed my door.
I took a shaky breath, counting to ten, pinching myself just to make sure it wasn't a dream, and, laying down on my bed, I fell asleep.
* * *
"I will find you, goddess, and I will destroy you again, forever, this time." He smiled down at me, he was glowing.

I jolted awake, shaking.

It's just a silly nightmare. I told myself.
I had dreamed about a large humanoid-like figure grinning down at me, I had felt like I knew him. I shook that though away, I was being silly- it was just a dream.

I walked downstairs to the sitting area, to find the room filled with oddly dressed men and women, I frowned, my dad did not say we were entertaining guests today.
My dad stood up, looking at me, "Athena, meet the Olympians, your blood family."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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