People Eater

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Hello everyone, this is my cannibal Lucifer AU. This story is a collab story between Me and @TheIngo

Lucifer pov:

Ever since the extermination was canceled I felt strange,I felt hungry but nothing was soothing my hunger.

I decided to go outside to get some fresh air and clear my mind a bit.

3rd person pov:

Lucifer put on his usual clothes
except for his coat and hat then walked out his room, closing the door behind him. He walked to the elevator and pushed the button, once the doors opened,he stepped inside. He pressed the lobby button and waited.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened so he could step out. He walked over to the double doors to go outside but stopped once he heard static, he turned around to be met with Alastor, the Radio Demon.

"What do you want?" The king said in an annoyed tone.

'Oh great, this demon…' The king thought to himself, groaning as he rolls his eyes.

"Salutations, your majesty!" Alastor said with a jolly tone, smiling with his sharp teeth. His body weight is supported by his cane.

Lucifer cursed under his breath, "Hello.." he replied with some tiredness lingering in his voice.

"Shouldn't you be asleep, your majesty?" The deer demon asked, almost concerned, while also spinning his cane once.

"Why do you care?" Lucifer tilts his head with a chuckle but questions going through his head.

“Because Charlie would be so sad if you ended up passed out in the middle of pentagram city,” Alastor throws his cane to one of his hands.

"I've had plenty of sleep" He lied, he's been up all night thinking about his undying hunger(What a loser/j-Dim)

“Your lowness, I’m not as blind as you, I can see the makeup you’ve used to cover up your eye bags,” Alastor bends down to be eye level to Lucifer only to be met with a smack from the angry king.

Alastor’s ears pin back as he cups his face, the still angered angel glares at him “Don’t make fun of my height again, that was a warning, next time I’ll take your legs off your body.”

"My my, the king is quite sensitive" The demon's grin grows larger. “You know, I can make you panca-“ The deer is cut off by the king.

“No, I know you will make them bitter, no sugar at all,” Lucifer starts to walk away from the one getting on his nerves.

He walks to the double doors and opens them, getting some fresh air like he intended to do. The fallen angel smelt something appetizing but tried to ignore it as it was coming from the hotel’s garbage can. Though it was tempting, he tried to keep walking, finding somewhere to sit.

He sat down and looked at hell's sky, the hell birds squawking their terrible song, sinners screaming in pain, oh how he hated this. Lucifer hates the realm he caused the creation of.

The smell kept tempting Lucifer to walk over, it was heavenly but not enough until his stomach rumbles. He finally got up and went towards the delicious smell.

He walked over to the hotel's garbage can and opened it, inside was dead exorcist body parts, his pupils becoming sharp like a cat, he grabbed a limb and held it close to his mouth, smelling it before he took a bite, then another, then another, it wasn't long before he devoured it all up. (Bro ate, LITERALLY-Dim)

Lucifer hears foot steps and scurries (the big ass lizard-Ingo) away. Alastor walks up to the garbage cans with some big bags, he smells the delicacy for angel blood. He stuffs as much as he can in a bag before teleporting the bag to his room, continuing this until he gets all the parts teleported to his room.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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