A Moment of Comfort

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April 2011

Simon Dominic was enjoying a meal after a long day of practice. With his reputation of an idol at an all-time high, it was getting harder and harder to keep his relationship private.

Across from him is one of the most woman he has ever laid eyes upon. Jeon Jihye or better known by her stage name as Lady Jane. They met before Simon began his career in 2007. Both met through a mutual friend and got along pretty well, so well that the two began dating around 2009. Due to dating being a huge no-no in the idol industry, they were forced to keep it a secret from the public for the sake of his image and hers.

"I appreciate the meal you brought over oppa. I was worried you were too busy to go another date." Jihye said eating a fine fillet.

"I could never be too busy for you! Sure, schedule has gotten crazy, but I try my best to manage through. I slither around like a viper." Simon hissed.

"I forgot how funny you can be! You should've been a regular on my program!" Jihye laughed.

"Now that would be lovely babe. Imagine if the stars and planets actually aligned then our lives would be easier." Simon hoped.

Nobody ever said relationship was going to be easy, but man was it difficult to maintain it! He sacrificed a lot of free time just to see her. As much as he wanted to, Simon couldn't have an easy life. Not only he had to take care of her needs, but the needs of his partner and his boys. Stress was an understatement.

"You need to get some rest oppa. I can see it in your eyes." Jihye pointed out.

"Observant as usual Jihye-ah."

"I have to be, I've seen how much you work. All those projects you're getting into is taking a toll on your health. You've lost weight again, you need to eat again! Skipping sleep isn't going to make things better!! They need an oppa that is filled with life, not misery. Again, I understand if you won't always be here with me, but don't kill yourself trying to manage everything! You're only human." Jihye got her point across.

"You're right. I've been stressing myself for nothing. Sure, we probably lost two members, but we gained two members."

"So that's what been eating you away. Things haven't been going well over there?"

"Afraid not babe. For some unknown reason the two decided to leave without letting us know. I was caught off guard when the managers announced it. Because of that I moved over to Eli's room and you know much I hate going to his room. The dude does not practice hygiene at all." Simon shook his head. Eli had the habit of leaving snacks and soda across the floor. Sometimes he would even leave his leftovers. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get used to that smell.

"Remind me to kick his ass when I'm done." Simon said.

"It must be tough dealing with the loss of members. I know how close you were with Alexander. He was like a little brother to you."

"He was... He's gotten more confident as time went on. He barely spoke during our debut era. Had to help learn everything about Korea. Should've made a tutoring course outta that one." Simon said.

The couple ate their meal of chicken fillet and potatoes before Simon paid for their meal. Simon stood outside in the rain beside her.

"Saranghaeyo." Simon got of her lips. It was soft, cherry flavored even. Oh, how would've desired to make love to her...

"Hope that curbed your appetite. I unfortunately got to head back. The boys are probably worried about me." Simon hugged her goodbye.

"Remember to get a full sleep."

"Aigoo you already said that ten times. I'll get some rest, jeez." Simon shook his head. She acted like a mom in times like these, but she loves her.

Simon was now walking outside the streets of Gangnam. A group of highschool girls nearby waved at him. Simon being the man of confidence smirked back. This was normal routine for the young idol. Part of him happy that the fandom was going on strong.

"Someone is calling me?" Simon saw it Alexander on the dial. Smiling at who it was and immediately dialed back.

"Yo Alex I haven't seen in forever!"

"Annyeonghaseyo hyung, mianhe for answering sooner. The truth is I've been dealing with personal problems after the recent news. I was hoping you would come over. I'll send you the location, I hope to see you hyung." Alexander hanged up the phone. Simon then checked the location towards a shopping mall.

"Hey there Alex, what's good. I haven't seen your face in weeks!" Simon greeted with a brotherly embrace. He could see the distress in Alexander's face. It is as he wanted Simon to come here urgently. Simon quickly sat down towards an ice cream shop.

"This takes me back to the rookie days. Remember when we used to eat ice cream after training. I forgot how rewarding that was!" Simon mused at the memories.

After dealing with the boot camp that was training, he and the boys would come to this ice cream place in Gangnam to get whatever flavor they wanted. Simon would always go for Strawberry Sherbet with sprinkles on top. He really forgot what it was like to enjoy sweets.

"This used to be our stomping grounds come to think of it. Kevin and Eli would Rock Paper Scissors over flavors. Now that I'm out of the group, I can't help but recall those days. How is everyone handling it?" Asked Alexander.

"We won't lie, it's been fought without you and Kibum with us, even if they replaced you."

"Wait? They replaced us?" Alexander gasped.

"Pretty much, with two familiar faces. Remember Hoon, well he's one of our new members."

"Wow.... To think I could be replaced like that." Alexander chuckled sadly.

"I think they made a mistake letting you go. You said so yourself that your resolution was to hold a birthday party up in Itaewon! You didn't leave so willing."

"You're right Simon hyung, it wasn't my choice to leave. They basically fired me, without even a proper goodbye. They just told me my time was finished and that I was required to leave." Alexander summarized.

"But why? It doesn't make sense you're one of our core team players. That's like a big hole left behind!"

"They said I wasn't adequate enough for their liking. I don't know what they mean, but I guess I wasn't good enough as an idol." Alexander was startled by the loud bang by his hyung's fists.

"Those bastards think they can take away my boys like that under my noses!? I'ma make them pay hell for this!! I knew those scumbags couldn't be trusted! To think I put my faith. They better not target anybody else!!" Simon grit his teeth in anger.

"You're always so protective of us hyung. I really will miss hanging out with you. I see why God created you. You're a good man." Alexander acknowledged.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Obviously I can't go back there. I'll just have to go solo. I'm sure I can figure something out and if Kpop isn't for me I could do acting. I've always wanted to be in a drama! I just to wanted to see you one more time. Most likely your agency won't approve of me hanging out with you. I hope after you finished being an idol we could catch up in our lives, maybe attend each other's weddings." Alexander said with hope.

"Don't say as if we won't see ya again. I'll come find ya even if I have to be Ethan Hunt!" Simon assured. Alexander chuckled at the reference. The two gave another bro hug as the two went their separate ways. Simon felt a mix of relief and sadness that he won't see his friend anymore.

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